Friday, December 15, 2023

Dore: MORE money for Ukraine's LOST war?

Al Pacino, Vince Vaughn, Alec Baldwin (voiced by Mike MacRae), Jimmy Dore (, guests: Due Dissidence analysts; Pfc. Sandoval, Ashley Wells (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Al Pacino calls in to The Jimmy Dore Show to brag about his weight loss using the new pharmaceutical Ozempic (weight loss made easy except be expensive and the weight returns if one stops taking it). It requires no change in behavior. “I’m still eating like sh!t and lying around!” Al Pacino brags.

New York Times prints STAGGERING LIES told by the CIA and Pentagon American propagandists to keep America's proxy war in Ukraine going. Zelensky is in with the American arms manufacturers and war profiteers, and THIS is how you know Zelensky is a crook. See him on the cover of America's paper of record. More

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