Thursday, December 21, 2023

Rain floods streets, mudslides across SoCal

Look, Ma, I'm meditating in the rain.
Why can't Angelenos drive in rain? It's easy. We can barely drive at all. Too much traffic. And the rare and occasional rainstorm on oil-slick streets and freeway and fuhgitabowtit. The real problem, aside from the very real slicks, is that we get so little practice driving in it. So the wise person stays in during storms. It's better than chancing it. Work remotely. Skip the party. The sea is unswimmable anyway (due to the sewage spills not the stormy waves). See "Hyperion to a Satyr" by Huxley for an explanation of that. It's been going on for a while. What's an Angelite to do? Sit. Mindfully. Meditate on the changeable nature of things that never satisfy and seem so impersonal. That can be a systematic contemplation, but just sitting still and staying is a great start. Let the mind/heart settle. We have way too much stimulation here as it is. It's no small town living, except in the community or apartment building. Then it's unbearable and incestuous with hardly a place to breathe. I'll sink into a tub in a lock bathroom if need be or resort to a closet or corner of the garage with every electronic thing off. There's a start.

Heavy rainfall floods streets, causes mudslides across Southern California
(KTLA 5) Heavy rainfall on Thursday (winter solstice) left Southern California residents dealing with hazardous road conditions due to floods, debris, and mudslides. KTLA's Omar Lewis and Rick Chambers report on Dec. 21, 2023.

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