Thursday, December 14, 2023

The Jimmy Dore Show: Alex Jones returns

Jimmy Dore, Kurt Metzger (TJDS); Seth Auberon, Pfc. Sandoval (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

I made lots of money. I win.
Alex Jones’ newest predictions are CHILLING as he talks to Tucker Carlson. He is not really making "predictions" but simply reporting World Economic Forum facts of what a cabal said it would do, what it has done, and what it will further do. The trajectory is not human but transhuman, and more false flag attacks are being planned (ala, Pearl Harbor, 9/11, and Oct. 7) to motivate Americans to willingly give up their rights and submit to a Patriot Act or NDAA. That's what these inside jobs are about. How does Jones know? He has insiders guide and misguide him, giving him a limited hangout as well as actual truths plus a lot of propaganda talking points. It's hard to sort it out. The main message? Be afraid, be very afraid, all the time about everything.

Tucker Carlson thrown of Fox News makes it big
Transhumanism? (See for lots on this obscure topic, cross breeding us with animals, making chimeras with CRISPR, using Nephilim DNA of giants to make super soldiers).

In the future does that mean we'll all identify as a robot, an LGBT-MIT-IBM? You will refer to me as an I-Person or you will get kicked off of Twitter, you analog-cis-motherf'ers. And don't call it X. It will always be Twitter.

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