Wednesday, December 27, 2023

KARMA: Israel's crimes drive IDF Jews crazy

Ashley Wells, Sheldon S., Amber Larson, Dhr. Seven, Wisdom Quarterly

Netanyahu and his rhetoric/lies made me do it!
Ever wonder what the Jewish-Christian expression "God is not mocked" means? If there's no God, at least no God of the sort described by Jews and Christians as omnipotent and omniscient (something dismissed as untrue by the Buddha in a very theistic world of subtle complexity expressed in the voluminous Vedas or "Knowledge Books" of ancient Proto-India known as the Indus Valley Civilization), how do results reach a living being?

Israel's crimes are CIA and US crimes
There are Brahmas (Gods), and even Brahman (godhead or the ultimate reality), but not a "God" that is in control of everything, knowing everything, and the source of everything onto whom we place responsibility for the world being unfair or for all good things happening. So it seems this "god" who is not mocked refers to a lawfulness of the universe, an impersonal truth about things: karma. Karma very simply means the regularity of the universe to yield results corresponding to the quality of the intentions behind our actions and the actions themselves.

What, the bad I did comes back to me?! KARMA is a bitch or a blessing: As we do, so we get.
The glorious IDF (US-funded) war machine
If with a mind beset by greed, hatred/fear, or delusion we act, it will not produce a good (welcome, pleasing, wished for) result. It may seem to, but that is only because the act (the karmic imprint) has not yet yielded its exponential results. Likewise, if we act with an underlying motivation of nongreed, nonhatred/nonfear, or nondelusion, the result cannot fail to be good (welcome, pleasing, wished for). These are very broad categories.

What is wished for when we steal? Greed (craving, desire, hoarding, grasping, lust, avarice, liking) is motivating us. Then we have the thing wished for, the thing stolen. Are we satisfied, are we pleased, are we now ahead on the great scoreboard of life? We would seem to be, but no we are not. And the act (deed, karma) has NOT yet produced its results (whether mental resultants/vipaka or fruit/phala). So it SEEMS to have worked:

The Truth is true whether or not we believe it.
We got what we wanted; crime pays; greed is good (inasmuch as it brings us what we want). What are religions talking about? Virtue yields pain and deprivation, whereas immorality and evil produce welcome results, no? No. The karma (the sin, if you will) has not yet come to fruition, but it will. And when it does, the results shall be unwelcome, displeasing, the very opposite of what we wanted. For example, if we wanted more, we shall have less. If we wanted peace of mind, we'll have worry and fear and anxiety. If we wanted to be rich, we'll be poor.

Beware of promoting Israel by biblical genocide.
So how will a spell of soldiering turn out? The Buddha explained very clearly: It will not end in Valhalla (the Hall of Heroes struck down in battle), not in heaven with 80 virgins (nymphs) at our disposal, patriotic glory. It will end in fear, alcoholism, PTSD, rebirth in hell, shortened lifespan, derangement, guilt, violence, insanity, and much deprivation. This is what governments are doing to subjects/citizens tricked into giving themselves over to the military.

Look at this poor guy, a regular Zionist Jew doing his militant/terroristic duty to the state -- mandatory military service, given the intoxicating power to abuse and kill his neighbors in fear and loathing. What will be the result. We can begin to see what it will be. Listen to him, how glorious his patriotism and bravery, his manliness and machismo, his popularity with the girls inducted into the same army as lures for men to follow.

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