Monday, January 15, 2024

Found: 2,500-year-old megacity in Amazon

Daria Shekina, BBC-Ukraine (MSN, 1/16/24); Crystal Q., CC Liu (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
Amazonian megacity was home to tens of thousands of people (Unsplash/BBC-Ukraine)
Can we achieve what the ancients did? Building sustainable megacity of future (

Lasers can see right through the canopy
Laser technology (known as LiDAR) continues to demonstrate its effectiveness in the Amazon jungle: A group of archeologists in Ecuador (Latin America) has recently employed this technology to find thousands of earthen mounds concealed beneath the forest canopy, according to the scientific journal Science. During a major study of the Amazon jungle conducted by a team of archeologists led by Stephen Rostain from the French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS), a remarkable discovery was made: an ancient megacity from the time of the Buddha. Using laser scanning technology, numerous structures that reveal hidden and hard-to-detect formations were identified. Mote: Archaeologists uncover ancient 2.500-year-old megacity in Amazon jungle (BBC-Ukraine via MSN)

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