Sunday, January 21, 2024

Is there enough antisemitism? (video)

to justify Anti-Defamation League's alarmists?
Bibi Netanyahu produces more antisemitism than anyone in the world, worse than Adi Hitler

We went to the ADL's Anti-Semitism Conference and saw Palestine activists compared to Neo-Nazis
(BreakThrough News) Jan. 25, 2023: Anti-Semitism is on the rise? That's what ADL alarmist propaganda says every chance it gets. It never gets better, it never stays the same, it only gets worse. But let's say that due to Israel's genocide on Palestinians, it is on the rise. What does the ADL focus on at their annual conference on antisemitism?

Thee Zionist Jews learnt a lot from us Nazees in Europe and now they rule Middle Eeeast
Changing the definition of "antisemitism" by expanding it to mean anti-Zionism, not being pro-Israel enough, not wanting to send weapons to Israel to threaten and attack its neighbors, and anyone who does not follow plans for their settler colonial project or tries to reveal Jewish influence on American, European, and Western lives. Palestinians and “oppressed minorities” are the ADL's biggest problem? That's what the conference, with many young (pre-college) and impressionable students in attendance by design,

BreakthroughNews's Kei Pritsker went to the ADL's conference where Palestinian activists were compared to Neo-Nazi murderers. Black Lives Matter? Not to the ADL, which wants to better align with white nationalists and train police to oppress other racial and ethnic minorities. Why not? It pays to be part of the problem rather than trying to be part of the solution. After all, anyone who thinks the system is working is likely working for the system. #breakthroughnews

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