Monday, January 15, 2024

Israeli Jews against Zionist Israel (Shoresh)

Shauna Schwartz, Ashley Wells, Sheldon S., Pfc. Sandoval, Seth Auberon, Wisdom Quarterly
Israeli Jews talking to Israelis and Jews: Shoresh שורש‎ (@shoresh_us) • Instagram
Jesse Jackson returns to stand up for Palestine
In an antisemitic country, there are Jews and Israelis AGAINST Israel's crimes against humanity, who dare to stand up against genocide, who risk their social advantages by siding with the victims of Western settler colonialism?

It's hard to believe, but former IDF soldier Meital Yaniv is a good example of what can happen to someone who sees the light.

When my dictatorship comes, I'll have you put
up against a wall and shot to death by my IDF.
With a compassionate heart, we say NO TO WAR, no to Zionism, no to Netanyahu, no to apartheid and hypocrisy and double standards, no to Ashkenazi Jewish white supremacy. Some Jews, and even a few Israelis, say NO WAY to illegal Israeli settlements in Palestine, no to occupation of Jerusalem and the Middle East, no to endless war in the American and British model of colonial invasion. Israeli Jews DEMAND A CEASEFIRE NOW!

The name of the group is SHORESH (the Anti-Zionist Network). They are not the only ones. Other Jews care about social justice and call for a Free Palestine:
Jews who stand with Gaza?
They join the likes of many secular American Jews protesting Israel -- and hundreds of thousands of Israeli Jews in Israel trying to shut down corrupt criminal Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu -- and all of the hated Ultra-Orthodox religious Jews in Israel (Neturei Karta @ and in the USA who are
  • AGAINST Israel,
  • against Zionism,
  • against occupation,
  • against apartheid,
  • against ethnic cleansing,
  • against racism,
  • against occupation,
  • against Mossad and Shin Bet propaganda,
  • against a corrupt Knesset, and most of all
  • against a criminal murderous hypocritical immoral IDF (Israeli "Defense" Forces).
We used to get along before the Nakba, British colonialism, and the Nazi plan to move us.
URGENT: We demand a ceasefire now (Jewish Voice for Peace

Yes, there is antisemitism, and no wonder. But there are also brave secular Jews, Israelis, refuseniks, peaceniks, JuBus (Jewish Buddhists), and openhearted human beings of Semitic extraction, and plenty of people who are only Jewish on their parent's side like Ram Dass (Dr. Richard Alpert), Medea Benjamin, Max Blumenthal, Aaron Mate, Dr. Gabor Mate, Prof. Norman Finkelstein, Prof. Noam Chomsky, Ilan Pappé, Katie Halper, and many more... Maybe even one day Sarah Silverman.

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