Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Kamala rejects Nikki’s claims on US racism

Graeme Massie, The Independent, 1/17/24; Pfc. Sandoval, Ash Wells (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Kamala Harris responds to Nikki Haley claiming US has ‘never’ been racist country
I gotta choose between these two dummies?
Kamala Harris has rejected Nikki Haley’s claim on Fox News that the United States has “never” been a racist country.

The vice president criticized fellow Indian American Republican 2024 hopeful a day after Ms. Haley rejected the suggestion she finished third in the Iowa caucuses behind two white men because of the color of her skin.

"I am not a crook." I get to be VP, not Nikki!
Ms. Haley, Don Trump’s former ambassador to the UN, made her self-serving comments during a Tuesday appearance on Fox News in response to comments by MSNBC host Joy Reid.

“We’re not a racist country…We’ve never been a racist country,” she said.

I won the Iowa primary, not Indian "Nimrada" Haley! Who does she think she is, Ms. Obama?
Republican rivals shove each other to kiss up to Trump to get VP nod. Vivek kisses hardest.
I agree w/Haley, and Floyd was high.
“Our goal is to make sure that today is better than yesterday. Are we perfect? No. But our goal is to always make sure we try and be more perfect every day that we can.”

[People rolled their shut eyes quietly as she] continued: “I know I faced racism when I was growing up [but we've never been a racist country because that was just me, and it didn't happen to anyone else but me]. But I can tell you, today is a lot better than it was then [when we were a more racist country than we are now].

Republicans stand for victorious white life.
“Our goal is to lift up everybody, not go and divide people on race or gender or party [as they belong to the right one] or anything else. We’ve had enough of that in America [that was never a racist country].”

VP Kamala Harris slammed that position when she was asked about it during a Wednesday appearance on The View.

“The issue of race in America is not something that should be the subject of a soundbite.

Racism in LA is so bad, even Latin politicians...
The history of racism in America is not something that should be the subject of a soundbite or a question that is meant to illicit a one-sentence answer,” the Democrat from California said [about Ms. Haley's asinine and clunky claim].

Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.: In the future, Republican candidate Nimrod Haley will be right; we were never a racist country. It was all a BIG misunderstanding, not white supremacy but just colored discrepancy. *Irony*

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