Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Losing My Religion: The Great De-Churching

Jason DeRose, NPR, 1/24/24; CC Liu, Dhr. Seven, Ashley Wells (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
You sons of vitches, God wants you to obey me and send in those donations and tithe checks!

When Americans are asked to check box on their religious affiliation, 28% now check 'none'
Forget this bull cr@p. Religion sucks walls!
A new study from Pew Research finds that the religiously unaffiliated (a group comprised of atheists, agnostics, and those who say their religion is "nothing in particular") is now the largest cohort in the U.S.
  • Let me in -- or else. I am thy ruler and Boss!
    Freedom from religion is freedom of religion. Buddhism is not a religion, so does that include Buddhists? Very likely it does because people customarily treat Buddhism as a religion, make a religion of it, and this is probably for the best in keeping the Dharma (the historical Buddha's Teaching) in the world. But for the individual, it might be better not to treat it religiously and hypocritically but as a practice (sadhana) with immediate results and benefits open to all. It is not a "faith" to profess but a Teaching to put into practice. For one who does not practice the Teaching, what benefit could there be...winning arguments against others? There's a famous saying, "Don't be like a drunk who uses a streetlamp for support rather than illumination." There's no need to be right. There is a need to know and see things as they really are. Then we help ourselves and everyone around us, living with integrity (non-hypocritically) approaching enlightenment and making merit (profitable karma) that is of great fruit, of great benefit in any future circumstance.
Is this someone's idea of a joke?  forbid atheism...or else!
Atheist (Stephen Batchelor)
Nones are more prevalent among American adults than Catholics (23%) or evangelical Protestants (24%).

Back in 2007, Nones made up just 16% of Americans, but Pew's new survey of more than 3,300 U.S. adults shows that number has now risen dramatically. Researchers refer to this group as the "Nones." More

Jason DeRose at NPR headquarters in Washington, D.C., September 27, 2018. (photo by Allison Shelley)I'm spiritual, not religious
Jason DeRose, All Things, 12/7/23
Choose a practice that makes sense. Test it. Do it sincerely. Do it daily. Does Dharma work?
More than 20% of those surveyed describe themselves as "spiritual but not religious." The study finds a wide variety of religious experiences and expressions among those who consider themselves "spiritual" (Ted Shaffrey/AP).
Free of religion, I get to misbehave (Family Guy)
The terms "spiritual" and "spirituality" have been difficult for researchers and scholars of religion to define. Does being spiritual involve a sense of wonder ["awe" rather than "fear"]?

Does spirituality include a feeling of well-being or peace? Does either require the belief in a God or a Higher Power?

The terms seem so elastic as to include any number of disparate ideas or experiences.

Can nontheistic Buddhists be atheists?
A new study from Pew Research explores what the term "spiritual" means to the people [Americans] who describe themselves that way.

It also looks into the beliefs and practices of those who say they're "spiritual but not religious."

No, Dummy, where are you going?! - I like church. It gives me a sense of community.
Graveworm performs their funny (non-rionic) death metal version of "Losing My Religion" by R.E.M

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