Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Why anyone votes for Trump EXPLAINED

CNN; Host Meghna Chakrabarti, On Point, Jan. 22, 2024, NPR.org, 1/23/24; Ashley Wells, Pfc. Sandoval, Seth Auberon, CC Liu (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
I beat Nimrada bigly now that I ran Ron out of the race: DO'H! Who'da thunk it?
(CNN) Trump cannot track or sustain a thought but is as disorganized in his thinking as his auditors, caring more about spectacle than substance. Let's all eat cake. Ooh, yummy, cake. Oh, and let's kill everybody for crimes.
Ron DeSantis likes history the way he likes voters: white, straight, easy to manipulate (al.com)
What Republican party elites [the donor class right wing Establishment types] don't understand about Trump voters

On Point is a solid and intelligent daily show.
Polls show Don John Trump dominating the race for the Republican presidential nomination. How does he do it — and can anyone catch him?

Batya Ungar-Sargon, Sarah Longwell, and Heather Cox Richardson join On Point Host Meghna Chakrabarti to explain to everyone how this is happening.

Right wing Florida Gov. Ron crying: Vote Trump
ABOUT: Hosted by Meghna Chakrabarti, On Point is WBUR's award-winning, daily public radio show and podcast (carried nationwide by NPR). Its unique combination of original reporting, first-person stories, and in-depth analysis creates an experience that makes the world more intelligible and humane.

Deep dives, original stories, fresh takes, Chakrabarti produces a quality show that sometimes panders to NPR types but other times actually provides insights and challenges assumptions. This is important for the left to have. Otherwise, it ends up being no better than the right. Polemics aside, liberals are different because they listen to both sides and make a decision rather than just accepting pre-packaged narratives. Correct? As Plato said in ancient Greece, "The consequence of apathy [being too lazy to listen to all sides and make an independent decision] is being ruled by evil men." We certainly are ruled by such men.
Trump can't shut up, faces fine of $370 million

Nikki Haley wins 100% of votes in NH so far...but falls behind Trump by end of day
Voters wait in line to cast ballots at Bedford High School on Tuesday, Bedford, N.H. (NPR)
A Southern gal can dream, can't she?
Wait, how is this possible? The Establishment candidate is ahead of populist Trump? Well, as it turns out, there's a place in New Hampshire (Dixville Notch) that always wants to be first. So it holds is caucus at midnight and finishes before anyone else even gets started. Population 12. Six voted, and all of them, both Republicans and Independents, picked Haley. See: New Hampshire primary live updates and latest news on Haley and Trump | The Independent

I'm not racist, I just sound racist because I'm, alright, I'm racist and people love it.
You're not winning, Nimrada. - Shut up, Vivek!
Live updates: Nikki (Nimrada) Haley aims for a surprise win, and Democrats hold a primary too (sort of) Only two candidates lead the Republican ballot: Donald Trump and Nikki Haley. A party rift means President Biden is not on the ballot, but many plan to write him in anyway. Election 2024: Nikki Haley aims for an upset over Trump in New Hampshire | NPR

Binaka, please! Even if you trump Trump, you ain't getting it over on me and Big Papa Joe.

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