Saturday, January 20, 2024

Yoga: 108 Sun Salutations, Round 2 (1/21)

Ambassador Stella "Yogihantas" Han (,, Dhr. Seven, Ananda (Dharma Buddhist Meditation), Cody, Jen (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
New Year's Yoga Mala: 108 Sun Salutations with Stella Han
The 14 moves in one salutation
Join Yogini Stella for the 8th Annual New Year 108 Sun Salutations event, Round 2!

Practice yoga for a cause: 50% of proceeds go to the charity Yoga Gives Back.

In Eastern philosophy (and other spiritual traditions such as Catholicism), 108 is considered an auspicious number that represents a complete cycle (an alpha and omega, an ultimate beginning or ending phenomenon).

Stella Han, MSW (@yogihantas) • Instagram
For this reason, we aspire to complete an empowering ritual of 108 rounds of Sun Salutation in the new year.

This Hatha Yoga practice may be modified, which is encouraged to make it healthy and assure completion.

Feel free to do any number that feels safe in this body. The Sun Salutation yoga series is a beautiful moving ritual that connects mind and body.

The "Sun Salutation" series is 14 yoga poses.
It can act as a form of devotional practice, bowing to the divine light within, the sun in the heavens, the goal of union....

Set an intention or use the salute to practice, honor, and respect the healing nature of ancient wisdom. Sign up: Kinship Studios (

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