Sunday, March 31, 2024

Boobs illegal on Delta Airlines flights?

How much cleavage is too much cleavage for us to avert our nosy gazes and get airborne?
If you're like us, you believe in science. And if you believe science, you know that staring at boobs is good for a man's heart. Why does Delta Airlines hate men's hearts?

Dependable shyster lawyer and sensational feminist attorney Gloria Allred is on the right side of history: Burn your bras. Free those definition of our species. We're "mammals," right? Is that a species?

I dress to feel good about me (at others' expense).
We're mammalian, part of the family of creatures who feed their young colostrum, fat, and protein. And we will not be putting them away. Avert your eyes. Or if thine eye offends thee, follow Saint Issa's advice.

However, when attending a Buddhist monastic complex, temple, or meditation center, have mercy: There are men and women trying to observe celibacy (brahmacariya) as part of the Eight Precepts.

Anything men can wear, I can wear better. Look:
Ample bosoms lead many to thoughts of distraction. Who's fault is it?

Surely lust must reside in the wandering eye of the beholder, but still. Does it offend a statue (or the deity invited to reside in that representation in many Indian religions and all animist traditions)? It might.

If we lived in a fair and equal country, we could all whip them out at will.
Fe/males are not equal. But we must gain parity and equal opportunity.

Julia: My eyes are up here, Pig.
Do visuals lead fellow visitors to thoughts of lust, to roaming eyes, to craving, to distraction, to a lack of restraint, to feelings of want, lack, obsession, addiction ("must have"), kickstarting arousal, craving, grasping, clinging (repeated grasping), and titillation over thing that bring pleasure to the senses? You bet they do.

And as Julia Roberts in Erin Brockovich about a pair of boobs who get a law degree and go into environmental law to sue an evil corporation for polluting.

Does objectifying females lead to LGBTQIA+?
When asked about her amazing chest, Roberts, who is now a good Hindu, said "it took a whole army to produce what people saw on screen," that cleavage, that bosom, that set of legal tools that made The Brock or Erin Go Bra so successful in fighting industry. So, please, a little modesty.

I should be able to dress anyway I want for a flight. Gloria Allred's my lawyer! Lisa Archbold
"Women's rights! Human rights!" ( protests topless for sll our rights).
Ah, modesty! And it's bulletproof, too. Throw away those cancer-causing wire undergarments!
Sophia Loren steals a glance at Jayne Mansfield
It's funny that if a friend of yours told you that he taped a bunch of twenty-dollar bills to his clothes and walked through the rough part of town, or a dark bar or club, and he got robbed, you would probably tell him what we would tell him. And no one would scold us for sexism, bias, or "blaming the victim."

Bras? We're rich socialites. We don't even wear panties! (Catholic Discipline)
We're not role models of how to be women.
But if you told us you wore no bra and a transparent tee-shirt, a very revealing dress, a classy see-through blouse, or a no panties and miniskirt combo (like Paris Hilton and her bleached Redheaded Gang used to wear on Ladies Nights Out), and we dared to suggest someone was maybe being misinterpreted as "asking for it," "bringing it on themselves," or should not be surprised that people, when no one is watching, are savages and animals, we would be monsters, anti-feminists, and aholes.

Whatcha lookin at, Dog? Didn't ya had no mama?
We think everyone should be free to wear whatever s/he wants, at any time anywhere. But there is decorum, there are standards. Why a flossy thong bikini is alright at the beach but against the dress code in a corporate setting, we don't know. Productivity? Distraction? Woman says she was targeted by Delta for not wearing a bra (NBC Los Angeles)

"Cardi B" is not real. She's hypnotized/possessed, glitching reveals.

Our feed is full of boobs, and not just the mind-controlled Bill Maher/Cardi B kind.

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