Sunday, March 3, 2024

Cryptids: Bigfoot, Nessie, Chupacabra

Hecklefish Moriarty, Why Files, 3/2/24; Ron Morehead (Sierra Sounds); Joe Rogan, linguist R. Scott Nelson; Pfc. Sandoval, Seth Auberon, Pat Macpherson (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
Cryptidscryptozoological specimens science studies but has not yet substantiated as existing

Sasquatch Sierra Sounds (Ron Morehead, Al Berry)

(MelBlanc222) 2/3/16: In the early 1970s, Al Berry and Ron Morehead went into the woods of the Sierra Nevada Mountains in eastern California and collected a series of Bigfoot vocalizations called the Sierra Sounds (

Creatures & Cryptid Files, Vol 1: Bigfoot, Loch Ness Monster, and El Chupacabra
(The Why Files) Bigfoot, Nessie, and Chupacabra are cryptids that have captured our curiosity for ages.

Nat'l park rangers know they're real, keep quiet.
Tales of mysterious and elusive creatures (monsters) roaming the wilderness spark our imagination.

In this first installment of... quite a few, we explore three famous cryptids that have left big footprints on popular culture (ahem).

Dr. Melba Ketchum published scientific evidence
Bigfoot sightings go back centuries before the arrival of Europeans. We investigate theories on Gigantopithecus, hear (and see) compelling accounts from apparently credible witnesses and, of course, we discuss the famous Patterson-Gimlin Film of Sasquatch close up in the Pacific Northwest.
Some may be Humanzee hybrids
The Loch Ness Monster is one of my personal favorites. There are photographs, film, and video. Could Old Nessie be the last surviving dinosaur?

The Chupacabra, or "Goatsucker" that drains goats of blood, started to be sighted in 1995. This vampiric predator terrorized Puerto Rico, massacring livestock. Theories on alien experiments and genetic mutations [another Montauk monster?] attempt to explain its sudden appearance. #Cryptids #Bigfoot #Chupacabra.

COMMENTARY: C'mon, you guys don't actually believe this flamin pile of BS!?
Humans are the only bipeds on this planet. How can anyone believe in hairy hominin apes?
Sasquatches have language? (Sierra Sounds)
C'mon, Wisdom Quarterly, everybody knows "Bigfoot" is just a fairytale mothers tell their kids so they won't leave the tent at night or stray too far from the campground in the day. Nobody actually believes it, not any adult with a brain unless. Maybe a hick or a hayseed. Even The Why Files is just trying to scare up views. Hecklefish Moriarty is kidding! What evidence is there? And don't gimme none of that plaster footprints cr*p or blurry videos bullsl*p, or human testimonials or unidentifiable hair samples, or unexplained DNA in scat, or distant photos, or what old national park rangers admit in private, or new analyses of the Gimlin-Patterson footage. That's just a guy in a monkey suit!

Wildman/Bearman vocalizations mimic human

You're not human! You're an dirty monster! - Junior, you kiss your mother with that mouth?!
Who snaps tree trunks like twigs and bends and fashions these shelters without tools?
Yakkhas (ogres) are so human, they mate with us
Do we believe? We do. Why? In Buddhism, these creatures would properly be classified as "ogres" (yakkhasyakshis/yetis, rakshasas). They are very smart and, though potentially brutal cannibals, they have powers.

The most convincing evidence is not presented here but was provided by Lloyd Pye who pointed out that about 20,000 plaster casts of bipedal giants from around the world have something on them that we are never told: fingerprints.

Did Bubba 'n Jebediah sit there and carve them as a final touch on their wooden foot?

Indigenous people left signs of what they saw.
    Moreover, Dr. Melba Ketchum provided all the scientific evidence anyone would ever need, including DNA and physical samples. Along with the work of Det. David Paulides (Missing 411) and BFRO, How much evidence is enough to believe? Of course, anyone will seem naive and idiotic to believe before seeing the evidence. But having examined it, one is foolish to say it's all only myth and a series of hoaxes. These creatures are real, all over the world, and the Indigenous people know and have known it all along. It's not just Sasquatch (Salish sesqet) but Almas and Yeti.

    Buddhist textual evidence on top of objective science
    Dhr. Seven (trans.), Pat Macpherson (ed.), Wisdom Quarterly Wiki edit
    (History Channel) Recreation not an actual close up sighting of a yakkha or matted fur ogre.
    Real photo: When seen up close, it's clearly a monstrous kind of human with face and genitals.
    High strangeness Bigfoot
    Rakkhasā (Sanskrit rakshasa) is a class of "demons," according to G. P. Malalasekera, living beings on earth that are chiefly nocturnal and harmful. They usually have their haunt in the water and devour humans when bathing there. Some of them live in the sea (e.g., Thag.v.931; SN. vs. 310; J.i.127; vi. 469; DhA.i.367; iii.74; Mhv.xii.45, etc.)

    Yakkhas in many Buddhist accounts are hideous ogres reborn in their ugly form because of karma (deeds) committed in past lives as humans [12], "demons," "devils," animals, or other creatures. Some are benevolent.

    One malevolent yakkha, named Silesaloma, appears in the Jataka Tales (Buddhist "Birth Stories") of the Pali language canon. In the story "Prince Five-Weapons and the Sticky-Haired Devil" [13] Silesaloma is described as being the height of a palm tree, with sharp teeth, two yellow tusks, and a coat of thick, matted fur.

    The Quantum Bigfoot
    The Bodhisatta at that time named Prince Panchayudha ("Five-Weapons") attempts to take down Silesaloma, but all his attacks, with weapons and his bare hands, are thwarted by Silesaloma's sticky fur.

    Ultimately, Prince Panchayudha impresses Silesaloma with his bravery, and the ogre decides to let him go.

    Prince Panchayudha explains that Silesaloma's monstrous state was brought about by unskillful deeds in past lives. He teaches Silesaloma the Five Precepts:
    Author Ron Morehead
    • to undertake the training to abstain from all killing, stealing, sexual misconduct, false speech, and intoxicants that occasion heedless behavior (which are not just Buddhist practices but existed from time immemorial as standards of humane behavior that lead to rebirth in the human world.
    After this Silesaloma gives up violence and transforms into a benevolent and protective forest dweller [12].
    • NOTE: What are these cryptid creatures, human or nonhuman, physical or supernatural, protective or demonic, well-born or beastly? Yes. According to famous Buddhist scholar G. P. Malalasekera in his Dictionary of Pali Proper Names: They are of many different kinds: nature spirits, ogres, dryads, ghosts, ghouls, spooks. In the early Buddhist records, yakkha ("giant creature"), like nāgā ("mighty being"), as an appellative, was anything but depreciative. Thus, not only is Sakka, king of the devas ("angels, gods"), so referred to (M.i.252; J.iv.4; DA.i.264), but even the Buddha is spoken of as a yakkha in poetic diction (M.i.386). Many devas, such as Kakudha, are so addressed (S.i.54). Yakkha (
    • AUDIO: Sierra Sounds 1
    • AUDIO: Sierra Sounds 2
    sounds coming from humans or animals. We cannot make or fake them.

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