Monday, March 18, 2024

Kava Bar & Botanical Lounge (the Valley)

KBBL (, Reseda, Los Angeles; Ananda (Dharma Buddhist Meditation), Dhr. Seven, Jen Bradshaw (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

The root of this plant has special properties.
What if someone in Los Angeles opened a kava bar? You know, a lounge that serves kava drink from the South Pacific. The kava plant is from the island of Vanuatu, where such bars are called Nakamal, traditional meeting areas to build community.

Drinking kava is ceremonial. Gradually traditional Nakamals became less prominent, and they started functioning as prep and serve sites for groups.

As the popularity of kava grew, kava bars began to spread from the South Pacific to the USA. In recent years, they have been sprouting up in different cities across the country, such as Sedona, Arizona, but tropical Florida still leads the pack.

Current trends make kava a great social drink because people loosen up, relax, and plunge into a happy and relaxed mood. The best part is it gives one a good night’s sleep without the dreading have to nurse a nasty hangover the following morning.

Its popularity is on the rise, gaining momentum as a healthier alternative to alcohol. Some claim it offers the potential for weight loss. Is it the next innovation for coffee shops from coast to coast?

Learning about Kava
Maybe it’s a misspelling of Spain’s famous sparkling wine “Cava”? Kava is from the South Pacific with a long history and robust flavor that is experiencing a rise in interest in major US cities.

Made from the ground root of the kava plant, fans of the intoxicating beverage say it produces a state of calm relaxation and can reduce anxiety. Research suggests that frequent use does not impair cognitive function.

Its popularity has led to the opening of several kava bars that serve as pleasant social lounges, a new sort of cafe with comfortable seats, relaxed lighting, and lots of conversation.

Kava bartenders, kavatenders, are encouraged to socialize, talking up the plant’s history.

Positive Effects of Kava
Patrons of the kava community often hear a cheer from Fiji. It’s the catchall phrase “Bula!” when sharing drinks.

What is it? Most of KBBL’s kava is sourced from Fiji and Vanuatu, but there are also showcase strains from other islands. It is the root of the pepper plant Piper methysticum, hand squeeze into a semi-intoxicating drink customers find helps reduce stress, relieve muscle aches, and lubricates socializing for wallflowers.

Traditionally, kava was ceremonial on the islands bringing together friends and neighbors. Kava has a reverse tolerance. So those new to it should let KBBL know to help ensure an excellent first experience.

The more often it is consumed, the less of it that is needed to feel the effects. A bula is a shared experienced.

Customers at Kava Bar & Botanical Lounge, a non-alcoholic bar in the Valley in Los Angeles, enjoy traditional kava and premium organic mock-tails inspired by ancient island tradition.

The atmosphere in Reseda is unlike any other: Conversing, studying, gaming in the arcade are just some of the things visitors enjoy. There is a private outdoor patio, Live Music Fridays, and a plethora of events planned for this calendar year.

The community is extremely welcoming and provides a much-needed alternative for those who crave a social experience better than the average bar scene. Alcohol is so 2023. KBBL is embarking on a journey to grow the biggest sober scene in LA.

Looking for a kava bar? Look no further then Reseda’s Kava Bar & Botanical Lounge.

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