Thursday, March 14, 2024

Mushroom Motherboard: fungus computing

Simon Whistler, Megaprojects, 3/4/24; Pat Macpherson, Dhr. Seven (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
How ancient and important are mushrooms to this world? Ask Paul Stamets (
(TED Talk by Paul Stamets) Six Ways Mushrooms Can Save the World [they built in the first place]

The Mushroom Motherboard: The crazy fungal computers that might change everything

Mycorrhizal relationship of mushrooms
(Megaprojects) March 4th, 2024: Let's unlock the secrets of fungal computing to discover the mind-boggling potential of fungi as living computers. From the Wood Wide Web to the Unconventional Computing Lab, witness the evolution of mushroom technology. A "mushroom" is the fruiting body of a much larger network called the mycelia [the world's first Internet], the matted undergrowth of connections in forest and field. It was the earth's first communication network of hyphae, the mycorrhiza (CMN) or symbiotic relationship between fungi and green plants. That mushrooms would serve as entheogens (substances capable of manifesting the divine within) for humans and animals is an amazing coincidence. Or is it a correspondence to something, as one of our earliest human ancestors?
Got a beard? Good: Simon Whistler's social media: Twitter: simonwhistler

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