Saturday, March 30, 2024

Pope too sick for Easter this year

Franny's sick.
In previous years, Pope and future San Francis[co] was happy to rub women's feet during Holy Week.

This year, he's not feeling so well. In fact, he's going to sit this Easter out if that's alright with the Catholic world. He's busy attending to his body.

God has not given him the health to head the world's oldest corporation in charge of making God's will known to sinners or how to pay indulgences or say Hail Marys to make up for their wicked and evil sinfulness.

Didn't know you had a fetish, Father. - It's Pontiff
One would think Satan would lay off the pontiff during this most glorious part of the liturgical calendar, but there's no rest for the wicked, proving that Pope Francis deserves the sainthood headed his way as his golden parachute when he steps down from the Vatican, Inc. (Unlimited).

  • Eds., Wisdom Quarterly

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