Sunday, March 24, 2024

Princess Kate dying of cancer (or dead?)

Illuminati goddess? Kate's coronation outfit inspires worship
The "sickly" look of cancer is not due to cancer. It is due to toxic chemo. The theory is that we'll kill you and destroy your natural immune system, but just barely, so that cancerous cells die, but we'll try to save you at the last minute. You might die. You'll probably die. But if you live, expect to be bald, sick AF, losing teeth and vitality all in the name of profits because we could treat the body gently and work with it. But we prefer expensive cutting, burning, and irradiating. Hope you have insurance, and if you do, what business is it of yours if we squander those payments. It's not like it's coming out of your pocket. Anyway, insurance won't pay for gentle things.
Princess Kate's health update | 60 Minutes AU
(60 Minutes Australia) March 24, 2024: The Princess of Wales releases a video revealing her cancer diagnosis.
I'm fine and loving life. Look!
SYNOPSIS: Catherine [Middleton-Windsor], Princess of Wales (2024) Devastating. Frightening. Overwhelming. For anyone, a diagnosis of cancer is tough to comprehend. But it’s even more so when you’re one of the most recognizable people on the planet. In little more than 36 hours, Catherine, Princess of Wales has shown what a courageous woman she is. [Why, she's a regular Princess Di Jr.] She’s also, inadvertently, taught the world a valuable lesson: that gossip and rumor are more often than not the furthest things from the truth.

Saint Mother Theresa with Saintly Mother Princess Diana, the world's favorite British royal.
Hope we don't break up before I become king.
[But what is the truth? Is she already dead? She can't be! I saw a picture and heard reports in the mainstream media that her royal PR firm was putting out doctored propaganda photos and fake reports of her being spotted in public looking just fine. Sure, she hasn't been seen in a while and no one knows where she is really, but that's what body-doubles are for.]

Me 'n you, K, not Baldy. - O, Hairy!
[The House of Windsor cannot afford a scandal like this at this time, so you'll understand if all damage control systems are deployed to squash this story and speculations about the royal's whereabouts, life-status, and/or health. So let's all pray that God save the queen-to-be so that Britain can live long and continue to rule the world from that city-state-within-a-city known as the financial district of London where the world's banking is done with the help and support of the city-state-within-a-state known as DC as the world's military arm and the city-state-within-a-city known as the Holy See in Rome, the heart of the Holy Roman Empire or spiritual arm of the unholy trinity. See The Ring of the City documentary for an explanation of how things work on this planet if this is not making sense. In any case, we still have Ginger Harry Windsor as a backup king and Black Queen-to-be Meghan Markle.]

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CNN shill promotes mainstream media narrative
Has anyone seen Hairy and Meggone? - Ehem, we shan't speak of them, shall we? (UK Royals)

Doctor shares biggest takeaway from Princess of Wales Kate Middleton [Windsor]’s cancer diagnosis [though she was set to be Queen Catherine when her cheating husband ascended to the throne as prostate cancer fells old King Charles]
(CNN) March 22, 2024: Chief medical correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta reacts after Catherine, Princess of Wales, revealed she has been diagnosed with ovarian cancer and is in the “early stages” of [fatal] treatment. #CNN #News

Cures versus Treatments
Eds., Wisdom Quarterly COMMENTARY

Humans can heal humans divinely?
It's sad that this should be happening now when researchers are claiming to be on the verge of a cure for cancer:
This, in spite of the fact that "cancer" refers to 1,000 different diseases, not a single thing called the Big C. And never mind that there are hundreds of cures for it/them, many of them made illegal and shut down to preserve the Cancer Treatment Industry, which rakes in billions a year to keep the public terrorized and draining the life savings of the ill before they die from a lack of effective intervention.

Reiki is a real thing. But my doctor said...
In fact, few people die of cancer. What they die of are the deadly treatments promoted by the profit-driven medical industry. Some of the worst ideas in modern medicine are deadly embalming chemicals for the living ("chemotherapy") and surgery (cutting, excising, bursting open tumors to spread cancer after the body has segregated the cancer cells in a bundle when if these bundles/tumors were left alone one might be just fine.

Nature can heal? Is that how it survived?
Baking soda, Essiac tea, Ojibwe tea, alkalizing diet, green detox flushes, massive dietary changes away from known carcinogens like fried foods (acrylamides), ultra-processed foods, flesh of dead animals embalmed in preserving chemicals like sulfites, colorants, natural flavors, dairy full of pus, rancid fats, stale and toxic packaged products, pesticides, microplastics, stripped sodium, dead white sugar, lack of micronutrients (trace minerals), and epigenetic triggers. There are other options: reiki, pranic healing, spiritual intervention, medical intuitives, a library of solutions provided by Edgar Cayce, and best of all, The Cancer Control Society ( to provide all of these in one outlet.

Get up and do something useful. Learn from it. It's not personal (
But it seems people want to die paralyzed by fear, obedient to the white lab coat clad priests of the Oncology religion. Die. Who cares? What was their money doing in your pockets anyway? Give it back, and then kick the bucket. Obey. If even the rich and famous do not seek out real cures, what's the chance that anyone from the workaday population is going to access it?

The body can heal itself, and we can help it.
Actually, the lower one is the better the chances are to break the spell of the mainstream media (and slick advertising campaigns for hospitals and cancer "treatment" centers, drugs, and surgeries) and the pull of our tribal medicine men indoctrinated into the tenets of a Western medical system more interested in alleviating symptoms with drugs one takes for life than "curing" anything. There's no profit to be made by curing things. The best thing that ever happened to doctors are increasing cancer rates. It gives them work and riches so long as no one ever cures anyone.

And what about prevention? Never mind. That's a nonstarter as far as doctors are concerned. So keep microwaving foods and food-like stuffs and using plastics, Styrofoam, and heavy metal contaminants without ever chelating them out with cilantro, chelates, flushes, activated charcoal, or energy healings.

What is mindfulness? How it works
Just a thought. Isn't it odd that many "hands on healing" sessions (Shumei, Sukyo Mahikari, Reiki, Christian prayer circles, etc.) are offered free or by voluntary donation without long lines forming? We scoff at paying for the comfort and genuine loving hands but think nothing of parting with thousands for poisons to "kill" cancer out of us.

As Americans we push ourselves until
we're SICK then hand over our hard-earned fortunes
to doctors to try to get well again.

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