Thursday, March 28, 2024

Oldest Goddess: The Origins of VENUS

Venus encourages ancient orgy (Joachim Anthonisz)

Venus a Vishnu figure, rising from the sea as Aphrodite (mythology)

Our Oldest Gods: The origins of Venus
(Crecganford) Venus (Aphrodite, Inanna, Astarte...[maybe even to Radha, Saraswati, and Vishnu) is one of the oldest and most beloved deities of all time.

From her earliest beginnings arising from the communities of Neolithic farmers to her evolution into the ancient Greek Goddess Aphrodite, to her eventual worship as the Roman Goddess Venus, this video goes on a journey through time and across cultures.

Podcast: ► Spotify: Social media: ► Twitter: crecganford ► Instagram: crecganford ► Facebook Fan Page: crecganford Patreon: ► crecganford. Contact: ► Send mail to: ► Business enquires: (for business inquiries ONLY).

Allegory: Cupid, Mars, Time, Venus (Guernica)
  • Black, Jeremy and Green, Anthony. 1992. Gods, Demons, and Symbols of Ancient Mesopotamia. British Museum Press.
  • Puhvel, Jaan. 1989. Comparative Mythology. John Hopkins University Press.
Explore podcast's  84 episodes: Crecganford Podcasts of all the videos
  • Crecganford, Feb. 4, 2023:; Pat Macpherson, Dhr. Seven (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

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