Wednesday, March 13, 2024

The wrong type of Jew: Free Palestine!

Double Down News, March 11, 2024; Shauna Schwartz, Ashley Wells (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Meet the wrong type of Jew that Israel doesn't want you to know exists
(Double Down News) What type is the wrong type of Jews? Religious ones (non-Zionist, non-secular Jews who actually read the sacred books and commentaries and try to adhere to all the rules that make one a "Jew"). Viewers and consumers won’t see this in the mainstream media. The mainstream media knows and hides it, just like Israel lies about. Come to Mea Shearim, Jerusalem, and see them for yourself, where they live with brotherly and neighborly love for their fellow Palestinians. What is this? Palestine! Surely, you as a Jew mean "Israel." No, sure I, as a Jew, mean this is Palestine. From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free. Netanyahu, a war criminal, has got to go. And eventually he will be thrown out of office and into prison or exile. The crimes of the IDF, and all who support them, will not stand.
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