Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Verses of Enlightened Nuns (Therigatha)

SuttaFriends.org; Amber Larson (ed.), Wisdom Quarterly
Verses of Arahant Nuns: Therīgāthā
The Buddha blesses the enlightened nun Subha ("Beautiful") Jivakavandavanika
Therigatha (store.pariyatti.org)
The Therīgātha (the gathas or verses" of the theris or "female elders," i.e., nuns with ten or more rainy seasons standing in the Sangha, in this case enlightened nuns) is a collection of verses spoken by, to, or about fully enlightened nuns who lived in the time of the Buddha. It is uplifting to take time to get to know the lives of these great female "saints" or arahants. If one enjoys sutras about how women and others became enlightened, reached the stages of awakening, one is bound to enjoy the ancient collection of verses by male enlightened elders known as the Theragātha.

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