Sunday, April 14, 2024

Ancient Alien Library under Sphinx (video)

Edgar Cayce long ago said a Hall of Akashic Records from Atlantis is under the right paw

The enigmatic 'Ancient Alien Library' concealed beneath the Great Sphinx
The legendary Great Sphinx of Giza in Egypt holds the potential to unlock the mysterious "Hall of Treasures of Knowledge" that America's sleeping psychic Edgar Cayce talked about, according to some researchers who speculate that this hidden chamber could contain ancient documents from the lost City of Atlantis.

Edgar Cayce (now reborn as David Wilcock) in his study where the readings were given
The Daily Star
reports on the belief among certain individuals that there exists an "alien library" beneath the structure of the Sphinx, believed to hold knowledge left behind by extraterrestrial beings.

While the Great Sphinx has long fascinated tourists to Egypt (Kemet/North Africa) worldwide, it may harbor a vast hidden library deep underground. Tombs are said to be located there, although they may have been destroyed by floods over the centuries.

True secrets beneath the Great Sphinx
Edgar Cayce left two legacies, tens of thousands of written readings and the A.R.E. in VA
This raises questions about the existence of an advanced society or the involvement of extraterrestrials in the creation of this enigmatic library.

Nub TV's Mark Christopher Lee suggests that further exploration and research into UFO phenomena may shed light on the true secrets hidden beneath the Great Sphinx.

The existence of the controversial "Hall of Knowledge Treasures" remains a topic of ongoing debate.

Nevertheless, there is a significant number of believers who argue that this supposed hall served as a repository for the history of the survivors of Atlantis.

Approximately a century ago, researcher and clairvoyant Edgar Cayce first proposed the notion of Atlantis' involvement in the construction of the Sphinx. More
  • By Walla!, The Jerusalem Post (; Pat Macpherson, Seth Auberon (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

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