Sunday, April 7, 2024

Bible terror: God to destroy USA on 4/8

Repent, sinners! God's sick and tired of the USA, so it's killing time.

Aleister Crowley
Seven years ago, God gave the USA a warning of "peace" (Salem), but Americans didn't listen. Seven years later, He (the tribal Jewish god of the Israelites and Christian creator of the universe, Yahweh, Jehovah, YHVH, Zeus, Shiva, whatever His name is) is giving another sign, Nineveh, an Old Testament city, hinting at Jonah and destruction. And just when everyone thought it was 666, it's actually 777 (like the book Liber777 by "the most evil man in the world" Aleister Crowley wrote about in his Jewish mysticism book).

You've deceived the world long enuff! - No, you
Seven years apart, seven American cities named Salem (2017) and seven American cities named Nineveh, it's got to mean something. So we put the data into the Language of Q and, shazam, it means our world is about to end. We regret everything, love you Mom, and brace yourself for the Apocalypse...or we may have 40 days from Monday for the Ascencion, or it's Rapture time just like the Protestant Christians have been going on about for the last 100 years or so in a great conspiracy theory that everybody better drop everything else and start believing as Christians believe.

God is hate and here to kill everybody at any moment, oh but just the sinners, ah aah, just the unrepentant sinners. So start groveling, begging for mercy, and praying to the one true god of Palestine and His wife Asherah, and his mom, Miriam, and their only begotten son. Or send in your tithe and get a receipt. It's time to smite creation again like the last time Dad killed everyone with a flood, but it'll be a fire this time, so sayeth the Lord.
Scientists got the map wrong. See updates.
( A new solar eclipse map has revealed how some residents in the USA could now MISS OUT on seeing the amazing celestial phenomenon.

Scientists had previously plotted a ‘path of totality’ that identified the key cities and towns that were expected to see the Moon [or Rahu] directly covering the Sun on Monday. However, John Irwin, an amateur astronomer, recently released an updated version of the map charting the eclipse’s 115-mile journey, from East to West across the USA.

[Surely, the map shows the shadow of the solar eclipse moving from West (Texas) to East (New York), which should be impossible given that we are told the Earth is constantly revolving from West to East (giving the illusion that the sun is rising in the East) so that an eclipse shadow could only ever move in one direction]. And his calculations show that its original path could be altered by about 2,000 feet (609m). More

Map of eclipse's path of totality shows shadow going in wrong direction for our cosmology.
  • Is the width of the zone of totality 113 miles? That would mean the object casting the shadow is a 113 miles wide, depending on how close our Sun is. The width was 72 miles in 2017. Test it. Take a ball or disk and put a flashlight behind it. If you put the flashlight close, it distorts the shadow of the object and makes the shadow bigger. But no matter how close you bring the light, it can never make the shadow any less wide than the object casting the shadow. It's just a fact of light, the way things stay the same size in a mirror even if we get closer or step back. (Hold a phone, draw a square around it with a marker on the surface of the mirror, and back up. You may feel you are getting smaller, but the phone stays the same size to fit perfectly within the box). We are told our moon is how wide? It's certainly not a mere 72 miles or 113 miles wide. We are told it's much bigger (about as wide as Australia) and much farther away (239,000 miles) than it truly is. We are further told that our Sun is much bigger and 93 million miles away. Nonsense, that's demonstrable nonsense. Our eyes are not fooling us, as we have been told.
Good Christians between rockhead and a hardplace
Good Christians don't like Trump; it's just that Biden is even worse (more senile, less biblical). Trump may lie, but at least he's telling the right lies so one could fool oneself that God is using him to do good, whereas Genocidal Joe is just between in Looneyville and Lalaland:

  • Theo Wolmarans, fundamentalist Christian Sunday School terror teachings; Eds. Wisdom Quarterly

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