Thursday, April 18, 2024

How to win world's first AI beauty contest

Lila Childs is a makeup tutorial influencer who knows what Westerners think is beautiful.

New real AI robot girls for lonely people
(Wise Owl) February 2024: The world of humanoid robots may seem like a futuristic concept, but it's closer than most of us think. Today's video explores the realm of AI robot girls designed to provide everything from emotional support to [sexual] companionship. These robots go beyond mere functionality, offering a lifelike and interactive experience. This video delves into the latest advancements in AI or artificial intelligence, unveiling a fascinating array of robots designed for companionship, particularly catering to those seeking solace in their loneliness. But these robots can do plenty more than just be pretty, they can go to outer space.

Just get your sexbot to get on the internet and talk to its favorite AI programs to win this.

Like it? I'm a computer-generated image.
The most beautiful "woman" in the world is Latin American or Amerasian. AI hasn't decided yet, but Ha's working on it for the beauty pageant. Of course, Nazi Barbie is still popular, influencing everything from pixie noses to cheek bones to hair tints and straightened hairstyles.

Filters are AI apps, adjusting us to be "beautiful"
Now that AI dominates the pageant industry, it's a race to see which computing system can win the coveted "hottest robot" award. Will it be Doublejointed Debs or Silicone Sallie? We're holding out for Her from that hot movie about falling in love with Alexa or Siri or Startpage Stella.

The AI Beauty Pageant
Rachel Park, ViewusGlobal, April 18, 2024
AI is a big scam: learn to make millions
The world’s first artificial intelligence (AI) beauty pageant is set to take place. The winning AI woman will receive $20,000 in prize money.

According to the Daily Mail in the UK on April 15th (local time), Fanvue, a creator platform, is recruiting participants for the world’s first AI beauty pageant, scheduled for May.

The judges include AI influencers Aitana Lopez and Emily Pellegrini, each with over 300,000 Instagram followers, and two human judges who are experts in marketing and modeling, for a total of four judges.

If I were judge, I'd vote for u. -
The CONTEST will first narrow down the Top 10 before selecting the final three at an online awards ceremony in May 2024. The organizers anticipate thousands of participants.

Those who wish to participate can submit an AI-created image and answers to questions. The questions range from details on creating the AI-generated image to common pageant questions like, “What is your ambition to make the world a better place?”

Images are enough, not sexbot needed.
Contestants are likely to be evaluated based on how they implemented AI tools’ technology. High scores are expected for those who successfully implement details around the eyes and hands, areas that AI often struggles with when creating images. [A limit of two eyes and five fingers will be imposed.]

Participants will receive differential scores based on their social media influence, number of fans, and communication methods with followers. [Hooray! We're rich in those.]
  1. The winner will receive a $5,000 cash prize and benefits of the “Imagine Creator Mentoring Program” worth $3,000.
  2. The second-place winner will receive a $2,000 promotion package on the Fanvue platform.
  3. The third-place winner will receive a $400 package. More
Q: How can y'all hope to win with this Plain Jane?
A: We have a secret! She's Coachella beta tested.

Wisdom Quarterly to submit candidate
I. Rony, Ananda (Dharma Buddhist Meditation), Ashley Wells, Dhr. Seven, Crystal Q., CC Liu (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Here is the Wisdom Quarterly: American Buddhist Journal submission we call "Tab Bit Tha."

TBT (Tab Bit Tha) the perfectly imperfect Zen bot
She's a Scandinavian "hot bot" with beaming blue eyes to mesmerize the judges, developed by analyzing the data on what Coachella attendees like to look at.
  • She loves chocolate (drinking vegan Swiss Miss every morning).
  • She goes by she/it so as not to offend anyone and is open to all kinds of experiences with other AI images.
  • She speaks English and Sami, reads Spanish and Chinese, and uses Ponds (almost as well as a duck).
  • She loves taking long walks on the beach (to search for metal jewelry with her robotic detector).
  • She will have a planned malfunction -- a "bit slip" like Michael Jackson and Justin Timberlake plotted that time on TV.
  • She can do math and compose poetry and write idiotic pop songs the kids really relate to during their sophomoric love lives.
I can be sexy AND make you all rich.
Our strategy to win is extra wit by loading ChatGPT with lots of old Monty Python episodes. What TBT lacks in perfect symmetry and stature we hope to make up for in winsome answers, flashy sparkles, and lots of imperfect freckles. It's reverse psychology.

What judges expect in perfection, we aim to subvert with quirky personality, natural deviations from the beauty standard, brunette roots, and an appealing childlike foolishness like Tay "Nazi Barbie" Swift at 35 uses to seduce the teen and pre-teen population of the world (and their mothers).

Boston Dynamics releases its newest, sexiest, most agile AI bot Atlas

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