Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Turk's Armenian, Israel's Gazan genocides

As for the Armenian "genocide," one could only hope for a reasonable denial from the Turks or Ottoman Empire. Hitler referred to the ethnic cleansing and mass slaughter as a "genocide." Of course, he was speaking loosely, saying no one remembered that nowadays. That was less than a century ago. Wait, this just in, Ana Kasparian and Cenk Uygur (The Young Turks) deny it was a "genocide"? Let's look into that claim. One thing is certain. Turks need to form a rock band with catchy singing and a song that says something like:

Ana Kasperian is Armenian working for TYT?
"It was just a war/ And not no genocide/ Everyone was doing it/ Those Armi's ran to hide/ We mowed 'em down/ Beat them fair 'n square/ And we don't need no System to hound/ We've got love to spare" -- because then we would love to hear the other side of the argument. Living in Los Angeles, which has a large Armenian population, we only get one side of the story. Surely, Turkish scholars have something unpopular to say. But if we go to see SOAD and hear their lyrics, we've been indoctrinated to think there's no doubt about it. It was a genocide, and of course Israel is now following the example of the Nazis (against all undesirables, most notably Ashkenazi Jews), Americans (against Indians and Blacks), and Europeans (against New World populations) in doing the same thing.

(Thrashmetal deathcore) System of a Down live in Armenia 2015

Israel's genocide exposed by South Africa's devastating ICJ (Int'l Court of Justice) case
(Owen Jones) Jan. 11, 2024: Wow, what can one even say? Even if one has been closely following Israel's war crimes, South Africa's legal team provided overwhelming, utterly devastating evidence of Israel's guilt regarding its genocide against the Palestinian people (particularly in Gaza but also in the West Bank). Owen Jones goes through the key points and claims here -- and why the "State" of Israel has not a leg to stand on. Like, subscribe -- and help take on the pro-war media here: owenjones84
"Until Gaza is Erased": Israel's [Ashkenazi, Zionist-Jewish] 'genocidal' anthems go viral

(TRT World) TRT is a Turkish public broadcast service (Wiki) March 14, 2024L "Until Gaza is Erased": Israeli hip-hop artists are using genocidal language to glorify their Jewish country's continued offensive in Palestine's Gaza and the West Bank — one that has killed more than 34,000 people since October last year.

I wash myself of complicity in these crimes
Of course, many beheaded and maimed babies are buried under the rubble of Israeli militants' destruction and is not yet counted. Anyone who tries to dig for those babies will be shot on sight or bombed or executed by remote control using drones and secret technology, so an accounting of those murdered by Israel is never likely to take place. Just as historians exaggerate the extent of the killing in Europe, claiming more Jewish deaths during WW II than there were Jews anywhere near Nazi Germany, the horrors rained down on Gaza by the IDF and Jewish Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu.

CIA-backed Fearless Leader Netanyahu is Israel
This is not a Jewish matter, for there are many Jews standing up against Israeli and American crimes in the Middle East and in Palestine in particularly, chanting "not in our name!" Many religious and secular Jews oppose this genocide, condemn the corrupt and self-serving criminal Netanyahu, and oppose the takeover of Palestine. Republicans may defend genocide and advocate for sending more and more war funding to incinerate Muslims and Palestinians, but many Jewish students and activists say no to war, no to illegal Jewish occupation of Palestine, no to IDF (Israel Offensive Force) war crimes.

Ana Kasparian is not a true Armenian - TYT's genocide denial
I love Turkish Cenk Uygur. He pays me money.
(Glink) Feb. 7, 2017: This is a response to The Young Turks (TYT) and Ana Kasperian, involving recent events concerning the Armenian genocide. Glink also goes through the history of the name "The Young Turks" comes from and Founder Cenk Uygur's past denial of it happening or being a "genocide." Oddly enough, there are also many parallels between the Armenian genocide and Dragon Ball Z, connections made throughout the video. Glink has been an avid fan of DBZ since childhood and is Armenian. Thanks for the feedback as always. Songs: Fountain of Dreams - Super Smash Bros. Melee OST The Lonely Shepard - Kill Bill OST My stuff: Twitch - glinksz, Twitter - glinklegend. Discord (hang out) - discord.
  • System of a Down and Serj Tankian (via Obey Your System); Owen Jones, Jan. 2024; Seth Auberon, Sheldon S., Pfc. Sandoval, Ashley Wells (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

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