Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Berkeley awakens, rejects Israel's genocide

The more things change, the more they stay the same. No to war!

Pro-Palestinian (anti-genocide) demonstration at UC Berkeley continues to grow
Keep lying, Bibi. I'll sign any bill Republicans send me to fund your genocide/ethnic cleansing.
(NBC Bay Area) April 23, 2024: American universities are finally awakening to the Israeli problem -- the egoism, endless feigned Jewish victimhood, Zionist aspirations, and settler colonial killing projects -- and are calling for BDS.

Not in our name! "Never again was supposed to
mean never again [to anyone]" (IFN Movement)
Boycott, sanction, and divest from Israel's killing machine, most of it funded by the U.S. government, the CIA, the Pentagon, black budget funds (NSC, NSA, other alphabet agencies), and the UK.

A growing number of protest tents are going up on the UC Berkeley campus Tuesday (April 23, 2024) as Cal students joined the growing wave of pro-Palestinian demonstrations taking place at schools across the country at Yale, Columbia, NYU, and Cal Poly, with many more growing or planned. Jodi Hernandez reports.
Remember Mario Savio and the Civil Rights and Student Free Speech Movements

UC Berkeley students vow to continue pro-Palestinian demonstration until pro-peace demands are met
I came here to make the world a better place.
(KPIX | CBS NEWS BAY AREA) April 23, 2024: John Ramos reports on what University of California at Berkeley students are demanding of the university with their pro-Gaza and anti-war sleep-in demonstration (camping with tents on Sproul Plaza) and its peace encampment. More: cbsnews.com/sanfrancisco...

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