Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Where's our $$? Does Soros fund protests?

‘Someone is funding’ college protests: Rep. Virginia Foxx | Vargas Reports
(NewsNation) April 23, 2024: Radical right-wing propaganda: What began last week when students at a New York Ivy League school refused to end their protest against Israel’s war on Gaza, the West Bank, Hamas, and all Palestinians had turned into a much larger movement by Tuesday (4/23/24), as students across the nation set up anti-genocide encampments, occupied buildings, and ignored police demands to leave. Rep. Virginia Foxx, R-N.C., who joined NewsNation's "Elizabeth Vargas Reports," says it is very difficult to believe that the students are organizing themselves alone and without external support [and guidance and printing and purchasing tents. Call in the National Guard to defend capitalism because we can't let Anarchy prevail! Where's the riot squad to take in these longhaired lay-abouts studying at the country's elite institutions. They need to be expelled for disobeying orders, says the old biddy, who wants to establish law and order at all costs like the authorities did at Cal Poly Pomona]. Anchor Elizabeth Vargas delivers the biggest stories, without bias or opinion. Watch "Elizabeth Vargas Reports" every weeknight at 6p/5C on NewsNation. #VargasReports

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