Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Give us SPORTS! Who needs Dharma?

Wait, what is the Dharma again? It is the Buddha's Teaching about what is real and unreal and how to become enlightened to see all things as they truly are, to awaken to the utmost reality. The dharma refers to timeless Truths that govern our lives if we fail to pay attention or remain distracted until it's too late to make any progress in calm or insight.

Impossible moments in sports history
(WOW SPORT) Hello! Ready? This is WOW SPORTS. Games always have moments that go beyond everyone's imagination. So chances are people will not believe that the following moments really happened. Buckle up, and check it out. 🔥
  • WOW SPORT, 3/16/24; Seth Auberon, Ashley Wells (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
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