Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Porn-loving Christians admire sinful Trump

Sexy Stormy Daniels spills the beans on old farty sinner Trump.
Christians love a masculine and virile God who loves porn just like they do (Family Guy).
[Hypocritical] Evangelical Christians HATE Stormy but love Trump. Here’s why
I don't know her. I've never met her. (Love the
sinner, envy the sin? Christian Bible is flexible)
Trump has sinned, but evangelicals admire his biblical masculinity and power.

He’s been found liable for committing [rape] sexual abuse. He’s bragged about [sexual assault] grabbing women by the you-know-what. He’s in the middle of a court case over paying [financial fraud after paying] hush money to a porn star with whom he allegedly cheated on his wife [after their newborn was at home waiting for him] — the third woman he’s married.

Stormy arrives for court hearing at US Courthouse, NY, 4/16/18 (Hector Retamal/AFP/Getty).
Just look at my hand-wife since Stormy left me!
And he’s the de facto leader of [Protestant Christian] American evangelicalism [which he is ruining even as more and more white men see themselves in him and so come to his defense].

How could Christians embrace a [corrupt] leader who has seemingly treated half the “thou shalt nots” in the Bible as a challenge?

Don't mention our Dick-Bush-Colon syndicate!
The typical answer is that it’s a matter of political convenience. Donald Trump may not be a choir boy, the conventional wisdom suggests, but he offers Christians wins on socially conservative policies
  • [This was the same excuse for backing idiotic war criminal George W. Bush and his henchman Dick Cheney and their military whipping boy Colon Powell for the perverse trifecta of Dick, Bush, and Colon, who were totally not racist because they had an unindicted co-conspirator in Black Sec'y of State Condi Rice.]
People say I'm not ugly. I blush. I'm sexy.
And Trump appointed Supreme Court justices [like rapist Kavanaugh] who delivered for evangelicals by overturning Roe v. Wade.

But anyone who’s so much as set foot in an evangelical church over the last eight years knows that Christians don’t describe Trump as an unfortunate necessity, but a literal God-send. Political convenience alone doesn’t explain that. Sex might.

Addicted to Lust: Pornography in the Lives of Conservative Protestants
Addicted to Lust: Pornography in the Lives of
Conservative Protestants
(Samuel L. Perry)
According to Samuel L. Perry, a sociologist of religion who has written several books on conservative Christianity -- including Addicted to Lust: Pornography in the Lives of Conservative Protestants -- Trump’s sinful behavior may actually reinforce his support among at least some evangelicals.

Trump’s sexual misdeeds may break religious doctrine, Perry says, but they also affirm his masculinity — at least in the evangelical view.
  • Isn't Jesus a MAGA Republican?
    What is Evangelical Christianity? It is a worldwide interdenominational movement within Protestantism that emphasizes the centrality of sharing the "good news" (Greek euangelion) of Christianity, having to be "born again" [not by reincarnation but within this life] by an individual experience of personal conversion, as guided by the Bible, the authority on the Jewish God's revelation.
They demonstrate that Trump is a virile, red-blooded man, afflicted by God — like all “real men” — with lust.

[This is affliction manifesting not just as] lust for sex, Perry says, but for power. And much like biblical warriors, who themselves struggled with sexual temptation, Trump can wield that power to lead the faithful to glory.

Christians love-hate the porn industry they pay for.
In an interview for POLITICO Magazine, Perry spoke about how evangelical ideas about masculinity, pornography, and sexuality help explain the most unusual but politically potent alliance in modern politics.

This conversation has been edited for length and clarity.

How do you see evangelical theology and views of masculinity and sexuality impacting support for Trump?

In the [Judeo-Christian Bible known as the] Old Testament, you have these examples of flawed but wild and effective warriors for the Lord’s work, who also happen to be womanizers [sexual abusers].

P Diddy understands Trump and rape.
Of course, you’ve got [a Jew named] David, who is somebody who’s celebrated as the leader of Israel, who has his affair with Bathsheba.

You’ve got [another famous Jew named] Solomon, who has 1,000 concubines [prostitutes]. But then you also have this character of [a stud named] Samson. I actually think Samson is the best metaphor for Trump. More

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