Wednesday, May 1, 2024

May Day: Orgies, sex, pole dancing (May 1)

What does this erect, burning, hard wood represent? Beltane is May Day, a time for Orgies
Modern Europeans drop down to their skivvies in the Tube to provoke sexual attention.
It's time for our annual Yoga in the Park Spring Fest (Dharma Buddhist Meditation)
Let's dance around this "pole" and sing the
STD Song, "Ring Around the Rosies"!
May Day is a highly sexualized European festival of ancient origins marking the beginning of summer, usually celebrated on May 1, around halfway between the Northern Hemisphere's spring equinox and summer solstice [1, 2].

Festivities may also be held the night before (such as a Mischief Night), known as May Eve or Bringing in the May [3], like was done at UCLA overnight by Judeo-Christian traditionalists attacking student peace demonstrators.

Traditions often include gathering wildflowers and green branches, weaving floral garlands, crowning a May Queen (sometimes with a male companion), and setting up a May Pole or May Bush (or a May Tree of hardwood, *wink-wink*), around which people dance and sing [4] in spring revelry.

US college students now side with Palestinians.
Bonfires [or explosive fireworks such as those thrown at UCLA demonstrators] are also part of the festival in some regions.

Regional varieties and related traditions include Walpurgis Night in central and northern Europe [1], the Gaelic festival Beltane [5], the Welsh festival Calan Mai [5], and May devotions to the Blessed Virgin Mary. [a stand-in for Buddhist Kwan Yin, various pagan goddesses, and Mother Nature, and possibly God's ex-wife A].

It has also been associated with the ancient Roman sex festival Floralia [6].

International Workers' Day is also called "May Day" but the two are thought to be unrelated, except that they both stir up the population to get out on the streets and revel.

Origins and celebrations
St. George's Kermis with the Dance around the Maypole (Pieter Brueghel the Younger/May Day)
Women demand body rights, which means clitorises.
The earliest known May celebrations appeared with the Floralia, festival of Flora [flowers and plants as in "flora and fauna"], the Roman goddess of flowers.

It's held from April 27–May 3 during the Roman Republic era, and the Maiouma or Maiuma, a festival celebrating the god of excess Dionysus (aka Bacchus) and the goddess of sex Aphrodite (where we get the English word aphrodisiac) held every three years during the month of May [7].

Look at the size of that maypole!
The Floralia opened with theatrical performances. In the Floralia, Ovid says that hares and goats were released as part of the festivities.

Persius writes that crowds were pelted with vetches, beans, and lupins. A ritual called the Florifertum was performed on either April 27th or May 3rd [8, 9] during which a bundle of wheat ears was carried into a shrine, though it is not clear if this devotion was made to Flora or Ceres [10, 11].

Floralia concluded with competitive events and spectacles and a sacrifice to Flora [12].

Floralia, Flower Goddess worship in Rome (Giovanni Battista Tiepolo - Floralia)

How do we indoctrinate our European children so that they don't even notice what it's about?

You're going too far! Stop it! - But it's May Day!
Maiouma was celebrated at least as early as the 2nd century AD, when records show expenses for the month-long festival were appropriated by Emperor Commodus [13], who is probably not the namesake of the commode or toilet but maybe.

According to the 6th-century chronicles of John Malalas, the Maiouma was a "nocturnal dramatic festival, held every three years and known as Orgies, that is, the Mysteries of Dionysus and Aphrodite" and that it was "known as the Maioumas because it is celebrated in the month of May-Artemisios."

Sex Fest is a distraction from Workers' Day
During this time, enough money was set aside by the government for torches, lights, and other expenses to cover a 30-day festival of "all-night revels" [14].

The Maiouma was celebrated with splendorous banquets and offerings.

It's time for sexy revelry and ye olde excesses.
Its reputation for licentiousness [sex, nudity, foreplay, intercourse, prostitution, sexual misconduct, sex, and lusty provocation] caused it to be suppressed during the reign of pagan pseudo-Christian Emperor Constantine, though a less debauched version of it was briefly restored during the reigns of Arcadius and Honorius, only to be suppressed again during the same period [13] because Christians have mixed feeling about their sexual urges and sinful immorality. More
  • Ashley Wells, Ananda (Dharma Buddhist Meditation), Seth Auberon (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly Wiki edit May Day, Beltane, Floralia, Maiouma
Was repressed sex always on the European brain?

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