Thursday, June 13, 2024

New Jesus 'miracle' found left out of Bible

I'm a god/magician, using drugs, venoms, potions made by young bodies to be christed (Hillman)
New Jesus 'miracle' uncovered in 2,000-year-old manuscript left out of the Bible
An ancient parchment has been unearthed, revealing a fascinating tale from Jesus Christ's youth that seems to have been omitted from subsequent versions of the Bible (

In an era where [pop idol and possible demon possessed, Illuminati member] Taylor Swift is known for dropping previously unreleased tracks and posthumous albums emerge online, not to mention ABBA's holograms recreating their gigs from decades past, no one anticipated the discovery of a new miracle attributed to Jesus.

This newly uncovered miracle narrates how a young Jesus brought clay birds to life, an event termed the "vivification of the sparrows."
  • [This is an old and well-known story from the early stories that floated around different countries around the Middle East in northern Africa (Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon). This is right around the time Jesus killed a boy by cursing him, apparently not knowing his own psychic or paranormal powers.]
Who's this little guy on the tee? (Dalai Lama)
The 2,000-year-old text, found in a German library, describes how a 5-year-old Jesus could craft birds from clay mud beside a river and then animate them into living sparrows.

It's thought to be part of a broader work -- the Infancy Gospel of Thomas (IGT) -- dating back to the 2nd century, reports the Daily Star.

This gospel reportedly chronicles Jesus' early years but was excluded from the canonical Bible.

Prof. Lajos Berkes, a lecturer at the Faculty of Theology at Humboldt-Universitat, where the manuscript was discovered, remarked:

"The fragment is of extraordinary interest for research." The papyrus had gone unnoticed, with experts initially dismissing it as they mistook the scrawled handwriting for something mundane such as a shopping list or a personal letter. More

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