Monday, July 1, 2024

Original Sin: Ritual Child Rape & the Church

[Dear Christian reader,] what do you want?
I want the truth.
You can't handle the truth!
Yes, I can.
Well, in service of the truth, here it is.

Original Sin: Ritual Child Rape & The Church
Author, Ancient Greek classicist, and Christian Bible scholar Dr. David C. Ammon Hillman has 4.2 out of 5 stars with 39 ratings for Original Sin.

It is an investigation of "sacred" Christian mysteries of antiquity to show the historic link between the use of drugs and ritualized sex embedded in Western religion, particularly Christianity, Judaism, and Greek and Roman mystery cults.

Original Sin is an investigation of the first acts of pedophilia within the Christian church. It is a book about the promotion and defense of child rape as a sacred Christian "mystery" (ritualized drug experience).

The West’s most venerated social, religious, and political ideals stem from a cultural war waged against the human body. Original Sin reveals the origin of this war.

Let's lighten up a North African to be more Thor.
Using the influence of the first Christian emperors, and the "moral authority” of their political organization, powerful bishops (high priests) of the early Christian church promoted the performance of sacred [homosexual] "mysteries” in which young children were starved, drugged, sodomized. and their fluids were consumed.

In ceremonies meant to test their "purity," exorcist priests victimized young children from the ranks of orphans and homeless who populated the large cities of the ancient world.

Original Sin focuses on the writings of Christian priests themselves and the pagans who condemned their immoral activities. It shows that Church actively promoted and defended the rape of children, and that such crimes were present from the very earliest days of Christianity.

Original Sin draws from ancient internal documents, written by venerated church leaders -- written in Latin [the language of imperial Rome] -- who actively promoted the rape and molestation of children.

Bishops, monks, and priests of the early Church successfully defended themselves from legal prosecution for centuries.

As the Roman public railed against priests for sexually exploiting children, the Church leadership used its growing political influence to prevent any of the child rapists within the clergy from coming to justice.

Original Sin also traces the divine feminine voice through Western history. The potent combination of natural drugs and the feminine voice is the basis for Western civilization.

Original Sin explores the foundation of Western society as the product of a peculiar interaction of chemical and biological forces.

The pagan world was aware of the sexual crimes committed against these orphans and waged a lengthy campaign against the priests who perpetrated these rapes.

Children, my Apostles, it's time for us to play!
Christian priests claimed that by sodomizing children, they were "saving them" from possession by the demons of the pagan religions.

Christian theologians justified these acts of rape by pointing to some of the earliest writings of the apostles and even the acts of Jesus Christ himself.

Exorcist priests specifically sought out young children, many of them orphans or homeless. Pagans were aware of these sex crimes committed against kids and fought rapist Christian priests.

The Christian hierarchy claimed these children were being "sexually tested” in order to prevent them from being used in pagan rituals that required the same children to remain sexually inexperienced (virgins).

Christian priests claimed that by sodomizing children, they were saving them from possession by the demons [not expressing the will of Christian demons].

In the early church, groups of Christians in Asia Minor (Turkey, Anatolia, Europe) even formed their own associations that claimed the performance of such sexual acts was a means of assuring the "salvation" of both the victims and the perpetrators.

What about Jesus on drugs performing homosexual acts
I was tripping on the Purple.
Some early Church fathers believed Jesus had several sexual relationships with young boys.

[The apostles were very young, not his peers or equals for the most part. Simon Iscariot, called "Simon Peter" to disguise the fact that he was the father of Judas Iscariot, one of Jesus' favorite children, which he drugged, according to the Bible, and inspired to turn him in.]

Prominent Church leaders argued that the Apostle Mark was aware of this when he wrote in his gospel that Jesus was arrested in the public park on the outskirts of town known as the Garden of Gethsemane in the presence of a naked teenage boy [he had or was trying to sodomize as party of a drug mystery].
  • NOTE: The material in Dr. Hillman's first book, The Chemical Muse, and here in Original Sin was biblical research as part of his doctoral dissertation. While his dissertation committee could find no flaws in his [translation] work, it was so outraged by the material that Hillman uncovered from the ancient texts -- written in Latin, which he reads fluently [and present in the Ancient Greek and Hebrew] -- that they refused to pass the dissertation or award him a doctorate unless he deleted the offensive material. He did so and published the material about the use of psilocybin mushrooms and the emergence of Western civilization.
Original Sin reveals more of the forbidden information that Dr. Hillman has uncovered and verified.

Because of this work, Dr. Hillman has been "black balled" from academic classics -- even though Chemical Muse has been widely acclaimed [as a breakthrough showing the widespread use of drugs in the ancient world].

Dr. Hillman now teaches Latin in a private girls' school to eke out a living to support his wife and children.

[Images of Christ stem from Serapis.]
What one author said about Dr. Hillman's discoveries [drawn from reading Roman medical texts on drugs, dotes and antidotes, as a trained biologist with the language skills to do so] and his expulsion from Classics.

"The role of psychoactive drugs has been airbrushed out of the conventional picture of Western civilization. The academics who have created this drug-free Greco-Roman world have found their nemesis in Dr. Hillman’s The Chemical Muse.

"With clarity and directness the author gives us back a lost chapter of our Classical heritage and by doing so restores our understanding of this past.” - Richard Rudgley, author of Lost Civilizations of the Stone Age.

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