Sunday, June 16, 2024

Israel engineered Oct 7 attack: Jews on Jews

Which antisemites are admitting we did this?
(The Jimmy Dore Show) CIA-groomed Prime Minister Benjamin "Bibi" Netanyahu engineered Oct. 7th attacks by HAMAS (an acronym for a secular political organization Bibi funded and protected), overwhelming evidence shows.

Israel's war strategy known as the Hannibal Directive states that Jews will kill Jews if it advances their cause to do so.

Because I'm Jewish I support Palestinians
That is, if a Jew might be taken hostage or used to embarrass Israel, its government, or its military, the military is announcing in no uncertain terms that Jewish soldiers will kill Jews.

This does not say that the Mossad (Israel's CIA) will secretly assassinate them. It is saying that the IDF, the overt military, will kill them, as if by stating this in advance it justifies its own actions and holds itself exempt from criminal prosecution in the Hague's International Court of Justice (ICJ) for war crimes, genocide, ethnic cleansing, occupation, extermination, and so on.

Don't cry, Joe's body-double. We wanted this.
It is Jews killing Jews, and before they kill them, (secular) Jews are made to hate (religious) Jews, known as Orthodox and Ultra-Orthodox Jews.

What does Judaism teach?
These religious Jews actually read and study and attempt to practice the religion the secular Jews use as a cultural identity but not as a religion, unless it is convenient to do so as when saying their holy books give them permission to commit genocide to get the real estate deal they say their God promised them. The U.S. aids and abets this thinking, supporting

Netanyahu and the Israeli military with money, weapons, intelligence, and above all diplomatic support in the United Nations and the ICJ.

Ashkenazi secular Zionist-Jewish woman FREAKS OUT at Orthodox Jews (who study the Bible, the Old Testament, are observant and religious) just like the IDF and Israeli police regularly do, abusing fellow Jews they hate.

Secular Jews should try Judaism
Antisemitism is when Israel hates Semites be they Ultra-Orthodox Jews, Bedouins, Arabs, anti-Zionist Jews, Palestinians. It is also when secular Jews despise and attack religious Jews who are following the tenets of the religion called Judaism.

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