Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Summertime and the livin's uneasy (video)

If anyone grew up in the 70s, they remember...

Cops came, but we got off. Why? White privilege
(The History LoungeUSA. Join Kevin for a nostalgic look back at what summer was really like for kids of the 1970s. (Or skip to the death metal version). In the glorious days before cell phones and social media, North American kids experienced a level of freedom and independence that today's kids would just not understand.

Memories are modified every time we remember
Generation X children were the original latch-key kids. Our adventures began after a big bowl of sugary cereal (full of toxic acrylamides and synthetic flavors, colors, and preservative) in the morning and came to an end when the streetlights came on.

This video has us saddle up on a banana seat of the old Schwinn Sting-Ray for a visit back to the playground, community pool, and roller rink, ending the day with some night games in the neighborhood.

Double Take "Hot Problems" (official)
This isn't the blond way. We watch Gaia and think
The world was winding down in preparation of an apocalypse (unveiling), the end of the Mayan Calendar, when a song arose that Timothy of The Tim Conway Show really fell for. We were all suffering through Rebecca Black's unexpected hit, but this was different -- no autotune, sassy, tongue in cheek, and if one were to squint and turn askew, cocking the head just so, Double Take was almost hot.

One summer Lana Del Rey covered Sublime's hit song "Doin Time" for her
second summer classic and all the top selling copycats who now do Lana

LYRICS: "Hot Problems"
(Official single by Double Take "Hot Problems" on iTunes)
I'm so hot you'll have to deal with it!
Look at me and tell me the truth/ What do you do/ When people don't know/ What we go through?// They see my blonde hair/ Blue eyes and class/ But they don't know/ I have a really big heart// Please don't get me wrong/ I know that I'm hot/ Textbook perfection really takes a lot/ Weird guys call my phones// And girls call me names/ Like Miley said, "I can't be tamed"// Hot girls we have problems too/ We're just like you, except we're hot/ The world needs to open their eyes/ And realize/ We're not perfect/ And sometimes we lie// I've got the look/ I've got the butt/ But those things don't make me a slut// Boys call me stuck up/ Girls say I'm conceited/ On behalf of all hot girls those comments are not needed// Just cause I'm pretty/ I have to be dumb/ I don't care about which/ I just wanna have fun// People start rumors/ And say things about me/ Funny thing is I didn't go to the party// Hot girls we have problems too/ We're just like you, except we're hot (hot hot hot hot)/ The world needs to open their eyes/ And realize/ We're not perfect/ And sometimes we...// Hot girls we have problems too/ We're just like you, except we're HOT/ The world needs to open their eyes/ And realize/ We're not perfect/ And sometimes we lie/ Why oh why/ Can't you see/ You are all/ Just like me// We make mistakes/ And get in trouble/ Now you know our hot girls trouble// Hot girls we have problems too/ We're just like you, except we're hot/ The world needs to open their eyes/ And realize/ We're not perfect/ And sometimes we lie// Hot girls we have problems, too/ We're just like you, except we're hot/ The world needs to open their eyes/ And realize/ We're not perfect/ And sometimes we lie// Just kidding/ We're perfect.
The song's not ha ha funny, but something's funny about it. It's cheeky, ballsy, not good enough for the radio (except Tim's show on KFI AM at, but it is amazing some better singers haven't done a serious version and gotten famous for it by now. Imagine Ke$ha and Lindsay Lohan, or maybe Nelly Furtado and Christina Aguilera. If autotune could fix Britney's vocals and producers could extract something useful out of Cher or FrankenMadonna, someone should have been able to mold these two rugrat frat brats and made them a pair a sorority would accept. It's summer, and the temps are high, so we're hot.

What must our parents have been
up to as summertime teens?

Feel free to share your 1970s memories in the comments so we can all be reminded of those great times when we were kids. (NOTE: As of Sunday, June 16th, early am, comments are occasionally shutting off automatically. YouTube has been contacted for assistance and hope to get this issue fixed ASAP).  Thanks, Kevin #1970s #1980s #genx
  • Kevin, The History Lounge on YouTube, June 15, 2024; Pat Macpherson, Ashley Wells, CC Liu (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

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