Monday, July 15, 2024

Chaplain on Trump's near-death experience

How can I explain? I was on stage when I knew I was shot, ripped my skin like this...
How photographers view the photos of Trump's assassination attempt (MSN)
What would have happened to all my money?!
Had he not shifted his head just a few inches to the right, former Pres. Trump likely would not have survived the [attempt to blow his head off as an] attempt on his life on Saturday [as missing his head may not have killed him like that headless chicken that survived until dying of an unfortunate food accident much later or it might have killed him JFK style for everyone in the country to see on live TV].
In his own words, Trump shouldn’t be here. How such an event might change the former president remains to be seen, but the [mentally declining] 78-year-old has already pivoted his messaging ahead of the Republican National Convention this week, toning down his typical lambasts of the Democrats and highlighting calls for unity and civility [like his classy wife seems to have done].

Reverend Catherine Duncan is an ordained minister in Minnesota and chaplain at hospice [near death care] and trauma centers. She has helped hundreds of patients pass to the other side [in the afterlife and the lives to come when they are sure to be reborn many times over].

Based on her vast experience, Rev. Duncan predicts a spiritual awakening [possibly on the scale of the reformed tyrant Gilgamesh in ancient Sumerian cylindrical texts] in Trump that leads him to become more centrist in his political views.

Trump was rushed by Secret Service [after being allowed to stand up and become a clear and obvious target able to receive the "kill shot" if the shooters were still taking aim] in the seconds after [the first] shots were fired at his Pennsylvania rally on Saturday, with one bullet grazing his right ear.

Scared, confused, Trump left his body on the floor of the stage for a moment
NDEs (Ginette Biro)
American Rev. Duncan told "There's a lot of chaos in the United States with the election. Donald Trump picked Ohio senator J.D. Vance as his running mate on Monday afternoon, choosing a grassroots favorite ahead of more seasoned political operators. The former president left it until the last possible moment, using all his showman skills to leave the world guessing, before opting for 39-year-old Vance after the Republican National Convention had already begun in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

"And I think that experience, I would sense, with Trump, it opens up your sense of being alive, your sense of feeling, your sense of experience, and how do you want to move forward?

Trump on Middle Way, Love, Kindness
Will D.J. Trump become a Budai-loving Buddhist, preaching the Middle Way and metta?
"And there's already been some rumblings politically about unity. Can there be unity? And I could see Trump leaning towards a more middle way and unity among everyone."

Hospice chaplain added: "This could be a significant turning point for Trump for embracing the good, embracing how we can treat each other with love and kindness and how can we find a middle way in all the chaos right now. 'I think it's a very strong message. And I think it can definitely touch people's hearts."

Many have accused Trump of leaning into religion to gain favor with Republican voters during his first presidential run, and they questioned the sincerity of his faith.

But Rev. Duncan said that close brushes with death can completely alter a person’s worldview regardless of how devout they were, "and every one of us can change and open and choose how we live our life."

Mr. Trump’s Senior Campaign Advisor Jason Miller told NBC the former president "feels very fortunate’ to be alive. And Mr. Trump said on his Truth Social media site on Sunday that, "it was God alone who prevented the unthinkable from happening." More

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