Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Gov't worker: Ancient Egyptians in America

(Everything said about the Four Noble Truths is wrong and misleading, except for the fourth truth)

Retired government worker talks about the ancient Egyptians in America

Buddhist and Egyptian art were found in caves.
(Terry Carter) Nov. 16, 2018: Retired government worker talks, Kent Smith shares stories about evidence of ancient Egyptians in Utah and surrounding states of the US Southwest. Plans are being made for expeditions in these areas to find out the truth.

Forbidden History Revealed: The Egyptian Presence in the Americas and the Pacific Rim (the Great Smithsonian Cover-up) by Steve Quayle is an eyewitness account of the Smithsonian cover-up for forbidden archeology in the Americas and in the USA in particular. There were giants, treasures, other cultures, Buddhist monuments reminiscent of Indonesian and Cambodian stone carved marvels. This suggests that the great cultures of the past were aware of one another and had contact. There was overseas travel, and the USA (ancient fUSAng) was visited by Chinese () and Afghan (Gandharan) Buddhist missionaries, just as Edward P. Vining documented in 1885.

It was documented in writing.
All of this has been covered up the Smithsonian institution, which seems more dedicated to coverups and deception than revealing truths that would upset world history, Darwinism, medical and military technology, the existence of and human interaction with many extraterrestrial species or the Star People. Another interesting note is the name of this continent as America. If European occupiers and invaders had their way, the USA would be called Columbia after the titular goddess of the capital, DC (District of Columbia) and the many drawings and depictions of her in early American art. But some force kept it as "America," it is said, because that is what the reptilians called it for millennia (nothing to do with Amerigo Vespucci or map making), and they were not going to have it changed every time short-lived humans wanted to establish or change borders and political alliances.

Was an Egyptian temple found in East Tennessee?
(Dream Poet) Feb. 21, 2022: Chet the Dream Poet says, come anchor down for another vlog as we talk about a mysterious Egyptian temple that was found during the construction of the Norris Dam along the Clinch River in Tennessee.

The ancient Chinese traveled by boat clinging to the coast, going up toward Alaska and back down
toward Mexico. They found a wondrous land that is now the West Coast of the USA and Mexico.

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