Friday, July 26, 2024

'Hollywoodgate,' new doc on Afghanistan

What happened to the Afghans?
Immediately after the U.S. pullout from Afghanistan, Taliban forces occupied the Hollywood Gate complex, which is claimed to be a former CIA base in Kabul.

[Afghanistan is part of the site of the real Kapilavastu, where the future Buddha, Prince Siddhartha Gautama, was raised. Kabul is, according to Dr. Ranajit Pal, one of the seasonal capitals of an ancient Scythian country in Gandhara, Indo-Sakastan, "the Land of the Saka/Shakyas," along with Bamiyan and Mes Aynak, according to Wisdom Quarterly.

What remains of once progressive and Western Afghanistan after the US destroyed it?

We rule the world from within the USA.
Why did the CIA encourage its co-creation (along with Pakistan's secret spying agency, the ISI), the "Taliban" or "List," to blow up priceless a world heritage site? To foment lust for war among Americans and to quell worldwide condemnation of the Bush administration's invasion of a neutral country under the guises of pre-empting "terrorism" or punishing a country for having a terrorist in it, which doing nothing to Bush-friendly Saudi Arabia, where the Bush clan and mainstream media claim most of the terrorists like Osama bin Laden were from. It's easy to get fanatics and ex-cons from a neighboring country to follow any religious mandate pointed out to them in their own holy books, particularly the CIA-created cult of Wahhabism, an extremist form of strict fundamentalism and literal interpretation.

That is, of course, ancient Buddhist history when the latest iteration of the Dharma (the Liberation Teachings of a buddha) returned to the world with the rise of the historical Buddha Gautama.

In more recent news, the CIA (supported by the U.S. military or Pentagon and other agencies) followed the USSR.

The USSR (Soviet Union, the modern Russian Empire composed of Ukraine and other Soviet states called the Stans in and around Central Asia) had been in a quagmire in Afghanistan. The USA fell into one worse than its War on Vietnam (with its simultaneous illegal and secret U.S. wars on neighboring Buddhist countries Cambodia and Laos). This mess took American protesters and peaceniks 20 years to get us out of.]

This documentary is directed by Ibrahim Nash'at. Written by Shane Boris, Talal Derki, and Ibrahim Nash'at. It stars Ibrahim Nash'at.

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