Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Arresting war criminal Bibi Netanyahu

The Talmud is probably right. I don't know. I'm an Ashkenazi Jew from Philly the CIA picked.

Jews who rape are fine by Jewish law.
(Tài Tỏi Vlog) Aug. 5, 2024: U.S. Marine and weapons inspector Scott Ritter exposes Bibi Netanyahu's MISTAKES AND CRIMES. U.S. client state Israel must be punished, and Iran will do it. NOC ("non-official cover") is a CIA asset without diplomatic immunity or other cover that will keep them out of jail even while engaged in espionage.

You can rape. - Really, God? - Don't use my name
: "It's NOT a crime to RAPE non-Jews," says Jewish law interpreted by rabbis, so if Jewish soldiers want to have homosexual relations with (or gang rape) male Palestinian prisoners, that's our privilege, our God-given right. God wrote these halakha, the laws. It's great to be a Jewish male. "Even the Nazis weren't this bad," some say, but not Scott Ritter. However, Israel is getting close. Killing millions in a genocide is worse, but the State of Israel is getting there. Hitler would probably be proud of what Jews learned under his rule.
Gay rapists in Israel's 'most moral army'
Victim of Israel's concentration camp Sde Teman during Israel's Gaza genocide (CNN)
IDF: We all do genocide, but not all gay rape.
As the stock market tanks, the West wants war. That means the CIA, EU, and client states like Israel. “This is one of the most perilous moments in the [Middle East] region in years,” says Ali Vaez.

Vaez is director of the International Crisis Group Iran Project. He spoke after Israel’s assassination of Hamas political chief Ismail Haniyeh on Wednesday in Tehran, Iran.

Having provoked them for years, Iranian retaliation against Israel [and complicit US troops] appears imminent. “All bets are off,” warns Vaez, adding that Israel’s latest maneuver will put Americans “in harm’s way.” Why?

Iran will no longer hold back fellow Axis of Resistance members, especially Islamic militias in Iraq and Syria [and possible forces in Lebanon, Jordan, UAE, and Egypt], from launching attacks on U.S. military bases in the region. “It is disastrous for a superpower who cannot control, basically, a client state that is destabilizing the region,” Vaez explains.

'Moral' militants enjoy genocide and gang rape
It's fun to be on winning side with US money.
Unrest continues to brew in Israel after a right-wing mob, including members of the Knesset (Israeli Parliament), broke into two Israeli military prison bases in an effort to prevent Israeli military police from detaining nine soldiers who were under investigation for homosexual gang rape of a male Palestinian prisoner at the notorious Sde Teiman detention [concentration] camp.
+972 Magazine's Oren Ziv, who was at one of the bases reporting on the events, says that the gay support of Israeli political leaders, including some members of the Knesset who participated in the pro-criminal riots, and the apathy of the military police all indicate that those protesting against the soldiers' charges are “the face of the state,” expressing what are “mainstream [war criminal]” views in Israeli society.

Democracy Now! also speaks to Diana Buttu, a Palestinian human rights attorney who has interviewed some of the torture victims and says the extent of their abuse at the hands of Israelis is “appalling.” She calls Sde Teiman a “concentration camp” that the entirety of Israeli society and the international community are “complicit” in.

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