Sunday, August 4, 2024

Before we were human, there were others

Skull of Homo naledi that took 20,000 preparation hours to pull out of solid rock (Berger)

Lee Berger: New discoveries in human origins | Porto | GLEX ignition 2024
Berger finds bones using Google
(GLEX Summit) July 19, 2024: ALFÂNDEGA DO PORTO "Exploration isn't just about going where no one has gone before. It's also about being the first to understand the past," says paleoanthropologist Lee Berger revealed details about the fascinating discovery in South Africa of remains belonging to a previously unknown species of pre-humans he named Homo naledi, dating back over two million years. Numerous traces of this species were found in an underground cave system chamber in Dinaledi, the "Rising Star Cave," leading to the conclusion that it served as a ritual mortuary practices and burial site by non-human pre-humans — a ritual previously thought to be exclusively human. Subsequent evidence of stone tools, the first art, and even the use of fire were also discovered (charred bones as if cremation were being practiced), indicating a species the size of a chimpanzee with a chimp brain that predates the Neanderthals. #GLEX #GLEXIgnition #gelxsummit #exploration

"Modern humans" are much older
Dhamma Aboard Evolution
Michael "The Forbidden Archeologist" Cremo ( has gathered mountains of evidence of far older "modern" human remains -- skulls, bones, tools, and out of place artifacts. Whatever narrative hard scientists in the field of physical anthropology try to spin to account for their discoveries and the features on their fragmentary bones, they can spin these tails only by ignoring evidence that contradicts them at every turn. The solution? We did not evolve from these other species (Homo naledi, Homo habilis, etc.) but rather coexisted with them when many "species" of humans lived on the planet, at various stages of sophistication and progress, moving forward and falling back, civilized and primitive, communicating with one another and utterly ignorant of others (such as the tiny "Hobbits" or Homo floresiensis of Indonesia). And since the "beginning" (of this iteration, this generation of humans), we have been devolving (as indicated in the Agganna Sutta, a Buddhist Genesis of life on this plane).

Forbidden archeology
Forbidden Archeology
Where did we come from? What is the true history of humankind? Michael A. Cremo and Richard L. Thompson challenge the prevailing theory of Darwinian evolution with their groundbreaking work Forbidden Archeology: The Hidden History of the Human Race.

Forbidden Archeology was first released in 1993 and quickly became an underground classic. Today it is a bestseller, with foreign editions in over 20 languages, presenting both accepted and anomalous scientific evidence defying traditional ideas concerning human evolution.

Join in a fascinating intellectual excavation of a vast store of hidden knowledge -- with "gatekeepers" protecting pet theories like cavemen evolving in Darwinian fashion until there was us -- and meet author Michael Cremo.

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