Saturday, August 17, 2024

ET, Buddhist, Hindu mandalas, mantras

Thought instruments: Monks, why do you say mantras and draw mandalas so much?

Ancient Aliens: Indecipherable Alien Codes (sky devas traveling in vimanas)
Turn the speaker on and see how well we drew it.
(HISTORY) Ancient Aliens is counting down ten of the most intriguing and mysterious symbols and codes found across the planet that just might contain proof of otherworldly extraterrestrial contact. See more in this scene from Season 20, Episode 5, "The Top Ten Alien Codes."

Watch favorite episodes of Ancient Aliens on The HISTORY Channel website at #AncientAliens
  • German scientist Ernst Chladni who wrote Discoveries in the Theory of Sound (Entdeckungen über die Theorie des Klanges, 1787)
  • Cymatic patterns are like Tibetan Buddhist sand mandalas
  • Are mandalas the cymatic signatures of soundwaves?
  • Dhr. Seven, Pat Macpherson (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

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