Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Google, Facebook spying on citizens

Welcome to the Surveillance State, Winston. - I didn't sign up for this, Big Brother! - Don't you remember clicking on the consent form? - That gobbledygook of Legalese? - It's legally binding. We sell your data to government agencies, so they protect us.
Big Brother (MZ) is always watching.
Want to freak out? Let’s look at just how much of our information evil corporations like Mark Zuckerberg's Facebook and a corporation's Google scan and store about us without us even realizing it.

Google knows where we’ve been. Google stores our location (if we have location tracking turned on for convenience and functionality) every time we turn on your phone (even though it listens and can hear perfectly well when "off").

We can see a timeline of where we’ve been from the very first day we started using Google on our phone, which does not come as a choice on Android. [Tracking by Apple, Inc. is done with Safari and other programs.]

Google spying: tracking me throughout Ireland
Anyone can click on this link to see his or her own data: Here is every place I have been in the last 12 months in Ireland. Spies can see the time of day that I was at each location and how long it took me to get to that location from my previous one. More:
  • Dylan Curran (, Aug. 20, 2024; Pat Macpherson, Dhr. Seven (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

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