Thursday, August 22, 2024

Inside Shiva's Egg: India's cosmic boulder

Cosmic egg reveals shocking secret of Shiva
The first yogi, Lord Shiva, in Rishikesh, India, set in the foothills of the Himalayas
The rock hewn castle wall of Thirumayam Fort Temple in South India
(PraveenMohan) A giant egg-shaped rock reveals a strange secret about Shiva. Did the Hindu god Lord Shiva physically come down from the heavens, the sky, the akasha and rule India? Was Thirumayam Fort Temple in South India chosen for such a landing due to gravity? Is the lingam (phallic shaft) a spacecraft out of which he emerged?
  • 0:00 - Secret Chamber – A Cosmic Egg
  • 1:19 - Negative Lingam
  • 2:20 - Impossible Construction
  • 4:21 - More Secret Chambers?
  • 4:53 - Thirumayam Fort
  • 5:40 - What’s HIDDEN Inside?
  • 6:11 - A Lingam
  • 7:54 - Lingam - NOT A Phallic Symbol
  • 9:08 - Arrival of GODS
  • 12:01 - Lord Shiva with Advanced Devices
  • 13:03 - WHY Thirumayam?
  • 14:04 - Lord Shiva Ruled South India?
  • 15:44 - Conclusion
Cosmic Egg
Phallic lingam with carving of deity, India
Imagine a giant boulder, a massive egg-shaped rock that stands ten feet off the ground. One cannot reach it to touch at that level, shiny and smooth like an egg. What if it were a secret chamber? What if hidden inside this rock there were a hollowed-out cavity impossible to create with modern technology with a precisely cut hidden doorway revealed only by an earthquake? That would be an insane theory, right?

Yet, this is exactly what happened a few centuries years ago. It looked like this, smooth and natural. Then, because of that earthquake, a stone door cracked off and fell. Only then did the locals realize it was hollowed out, that there was a chamber inside. The door was so well made and so perfectly fitted that nobody recognized it was a door.

They put up a metal ladder to access the entryway. The earthquake revealed this chamber. No one knows when it was created. There are no inscriptions pointing to its origin. Before analyzing the exterior further, let’s take a look at what's INSIDE.

There is only one thing inside today, a single lingam (sacred phallic stone). It is fascinating, a cylinder sitting on a square pedestal. Who carved it, carried it, and placed it here? No one. Normally people carve a shape, put it together, then place it in a certain location. This is the positive construction technique.

But this lingam was made through a negative construction technique. The lingam is carved out of the bedrock itself. Meaning that the lingam was not built up, rather it was created by taking rock away all around it. It was left over through removal all around it. We can call it a negative lingam.

Originally, there must have been other items inside, because what reason would there be to hide and seal this chamber if it only housed a lingam, right? Maybe it was studded with gold and diamonds, perhaps some advanced technology or electronic devices.

One may ask, Did they find some sophisticated devices here and remove them for study? How did anyone create such an advanced secret chamber hidden for many centuries in the past if we cannot do it even now? Such construction would be impossible without advanced alien technology.

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  • Praveen Mohan, YouTube, July 4, 2022; Pat Macpherson, Dhr. Seven, Amber Larson (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

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