Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Madame Blavatsky on Bamiyan Buddhas

Buddhist Tillya Tepe ("Golden Hill") gold crown from formerly Buddhist Afghanistan
Tillya Tepe gold coin, Dharma wheel, Kabul Museum (Gerard Fussman/Anna Maria Quagliotti)

Massive Buddha of Bamiyan
The Buddhas of Bamiyan (Persian بت های باميان – Bothā-ye Bāmiyān) are or were monumental statues of the Buddha standing.

They were carved into the side of a cliff in ancient Gandhara, in Bamiyan Valley in the Hazaras' Hazaristan region of central Afghanistan, 140 miles (230 kms) northwest of Kabul [another seasonal capital of ancient Kapilavastu (Kapil, Kapila, Kapila-pura, Kapila-vatthu), where Prince Siddhartha Gautama, the future Buddha, grew up] at an elevation of 8,200 feet (2,500 meters).
Modern archeologists believe they were built around 550 CE, although Madame H. P. Blavatsky claims they are remnants of "the Initiates of the Fourth Race" [1].

They were dynamited and destroyed in March 2001 by the Taliban [which was created and inspired by the CIA and ISI, intelligence agencies for the USA and Pakistan, respectively] after they declared that they were idols, carrying out an extreme Islamic religious iconoclasm.

According to Madame Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, these statues are witnesses to earlier civilizations. She rejected the fact that the statues [previously] represented the Buddha, claiming they come from the ancestors of the Miao people, and were "the work of the Cyclopes, the true and actual Giants of old" [2].
  • [This would make sense. There are still redheaded, six-fingered giants in the area, Nephilim, Asuras, Nagas, Yakkhas, dwelling in caves and reported by US servicemen at war in the area for 20 years. They were likely repurposed to represent the historical Buddha, the scion of the region who became a great religious figure in neighboring proto-India then returned to the region to save everyone with his teachings on bringing about the end of all suffering. The Indo-Scythians or Shakyas/Sakas of the area then expanded and took over what is now Bihar/Vihar, India, the site of the Buddha's Great Awakening or Mahabodhi. This was before India came into being, 200 years after the life of the Buddha, what the Buddhist Emperor Ashoka conquered and unified many independent states or mahajanapadas into one empire, leaving behind many Ashokan pillars.]
Psychic Madame Blavatsky
Being built long before the birth of Prince Siddhartha Gautama (2,600 years before the present), they were made to look like him in modern times, in other words repurposed.

As archeologists discovered, the main bodies were hewn directly into the sandstone cliffs, but details were modeled in mud mixed with straw, coated with stucco. They are the site of the world's oldest oil paintings, as the entire cliffside is riddled with caves used by Buddhist monastics in the past and modern Hazari and/or Pashtun people today.
  • Madame Blavatsky explains:
The Buddhist Arhats [enlightened ones] and Ascetics [monastics] found the five statues, and many more, now crumbled down to dust, and as the three were found by them in colossal niches at the entrance of their future abode, they covered the figures with plaster, and, over the old, modelled new statues made to represent Lord Tathagata [the Buddha]. The interior walls of the niches are covered to this day with bright paintings of human figures, and the sacred image of Buddha is repeated in every group. These frescoes and ornaments—which remind one of the Byzantine style of painting—are all due to the piety of the monk-ascetics, like some other minor figures and rock-cut ornamentations. But the five statues belong to the handiwork of the Initiates of the Fourth Race, who sought refuge, after the submersion of their continent [Atlantis], in the fastnesses and on the summits of the Central Asian mountain chains [3].

Trifecta: Mes Aynak, Kabul, Bamiyan
Blavatsky states that the sizes of the statues had an esoteric meaning:

Moreover, the five statues are an imperishable record of the esoteric teaching about the gradual evolution of the races.

What is left of Kabul after the US War?
The largest is made to represent the First Race of mankind, its ethereal body being commemorated in hard, everlasting stone, for the instruction of future generations, as its remembrance would otherwise never have survived the Atlantean Deluge.

The second—120 feet high—represents the sweat-born; and the third—measuring 60 feet—immortalizes the race that fell, and thereby inaugurated the first physical race, born of father and mother, the last descendants of which are represented in the Statues found on Easter Isle; but they were only from 20 to 25 feet in stature at the epoch when Lemuria was submerged, after it had been nearly destroyed by volcanic fires.

The Fourth Race was still smaller, though gigantic in comparison with our present Fifth Race, and the series culminated finally in the latter [4].

Online resources
  1. Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, The Secret Doctrine Vol. II (Wheaton, IL: Theosophical Publishing House, 1993), p. 339.
  2. Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, The Secret Doctrine Vol. II (Wheaton, IL: Theosophical Publishing House, 1993), p. 337.
  3. Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, The Secret Doctrine Vol. II (Wheaton, IL: Theosophical Publishing House, 1993), p. 339.
  4. Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, The Secret Doctrine Vol. II (Wheaton, IL: Theosophical Publishing House, 1993), pp. 339-340.
The Aryan Buddha in the Kabul Museum
On Dec. 24, 1979, the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan, and Kabul [Kapil] was heavily occupied by Soviet Armed Forces.

In Pakistan, Director-General of the ISI [Pakistan's CIA] Akhtar Abdur Rahman advocated for the idea of a covert operation in Afghanistan by arming Islamic extremists who formed the Mujahideen [85]. Gen. Rahman was heard loudly saying, "Kabul must burn! Kabul must burn!" [86] and masterminded the idea of a proxy war in Afghanistan [85].

Pakistani Pres. Zia-ul-Haq authorized this operation under Gen. Rahman, which was later merged with Operation Cyclone, a program funded by the United States and carried out by the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency). More
  • Theosophy Wiki edited and expanded by Amber Larson, Dhr. Seven, Pat Macpherson (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

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