Monday, August 5, 2024

Olympics' BDE, RFK Jr. kills and eats meat

RFK Jr.’s dead bear cub story and highlights from 2024 Olympics | The Daily Show

RFK Jr. as crazy as Dr. Faustian Fauci?
(The Daily Show) Aug. 5, 2024: Michael Kosta covers all things Olympics, including an American runner who won by a hair, a pole vaulter with interfering genitalia, and an Algerian boxer whose womanhood is challenged. As the election grows closer, RFK Jr.’s bear carcass dump has him securing his place as the weirdest candidate, and Desi Lydic reveals other confessions we can expect from him. #DailyShow #Olympics #RFKJr #Trump

Well, so much for a viable 3rd party any time soon

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