Thursday, August 22, 2024

Re-wilding buffalo prevents wildfires

How bison could be the natural solution to wildfire management
Who would return to tending the land after processed foods, booze, and casino money?

Stop killing and eating us. We can work together.
As wildfires increasingly ravage large swathes of land across the globe, scientists and conservationists are turning to an unexpected ally: the European bison.

Recent studies and conservation efforts in Spain suggest that these majestic creatures could play a crucial role in managing the overgrown vegetation that fuels wildfires.

White men shoot bison for genocide of Indians
Bison have long been recognized as ecosystem engineers, capable of significantly altering their habitats. Their feeding habits and physical strength allow them to clear dense undergrowth, creating firebreaks naturally.

These firebreaks can help contain fires and prevent them from spreading uncontrollably. More: How bison could be the natural solution to wildfire management

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