Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Remembering 9/11 with Dr. Judy Wood

"Dustification" begins with tremendous heat.
How can we even dream of finding and facing the truth if we won't even look at the actual data? Dr. Judy Wood is a professional examining her expertise in the field to discover what she has: the "dustification" of the Twin Towers through unconventional and unfamiliar means but rather the use of some kind of new directed free-energy weapon.

Did a wide plane make this round hole?
(It has been 23 years since 9/11. Isn't it time to look at the data for once instead of a media storm of deception and controlled narrative that blames enemies as a pretext for endless war?

(Anyone interested in peace will want to know what really happened.

How dare you question the gov't!
(It's better to know instead of repeating comforting lies and nonsense, instead of falling into line as if this were 1984, engaging in 2 Minutes Hate every year to despise a religion or country or cabal. Who would embrace a patently impossible and debunked cover story when it is possible to get at the actual, demonstrable facts and truth of the matter? Who cares about truth?)

Don't question. Don't investigate. They might call you a "Truther." Just go along to get along.

Read the book for extensive presentation of the evidence and actual data: Where Did the Towers Go? The Evidence of Directed -Free-Energy Technology on 9/11.
Israel knew about Hamas' plan and let it happen as a pretext like the 9-11 event (The Hill/Rising)

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