Wednesday, September 25, 2024

The whites of Spain: bull attack (video)

Shocking: Bull attacks sexy woman in red at outdoor concert
(Andre Rieu - Espana Cani) Feb. 12, 2022: Andre Rieu and his Johann Strauss Orchestra perform Espana Cani live in Maastricht. This clip is taken from the DVD Wonderful World. For concert dates and tickets visit:

Subscribe to Andre Rieu's YouTube channel at: or follow Andre Rieu on social media. Andre Rieu Productions (

The people of Spain are white?

That explains the Casta system.
I remember being shocked. It seems silly now, but then it made sense. When I arrived in Spain, I found that the people were white. They were Caucasian, not mixed, not even the slightest bit tan or all black haired and brown eyed. They were as European as all the rest of the Continent.

Passing through Basque Country and the future nation of Catalonia (Catalan) on a slow train along the Mediterranean ("Middle of the Earth," "Center of the World") coast, where were all the cacti, siestas, ponchos, and sombreros I had been taught to believe were what the Spanish brought to Mexico as gifts during their conquest, invasion, occupation, and migration?

Europe: un-united states (countries) of the EU
That was all wiped away. These people were amazingly vibrant, markedly different than the northerners. I was living in England at the time, often passing through France, and I was not used to California-style vibrancy and fitness. It was suddenly and shockingly apparent like why Londoners winter in the sun-soaked Iberian Peninsula.

No one believed me back home or had never thought about it one way or the other.

Do Eastern Europeans count? Not so some.
"Why wouldn't they be white?"

"They're Spanish (Espanoles); they speak Spanish (Latin-light)!" I argued in vain.

"Yeah, but Spain is Europe."

"Is it?" Oh yeah, I guess it is, as much as the Germans and Scandinavians might not think so; they barely accept Greece and Macedonia as part of the Continental Club, and that's only for the glorious cultural contributions of the ancients.

Otzi the Iceman was dark Turk (
If even Turkey and Anatolia can be "Europe," when they were formerly in "Asia Minor," then why wouldn't Spain be? The crowd at the concert above is what I saw, proof that the Conquistadors were not swarthy sailors living and taking wives in the Caribbean then traveling farther west to the Yucatan Peninsula and Mesoamerica to take over all that we now call "Latin America" and a goodly chunk of what the U.S. now claims as its own.

The more southern we travel, the more mixing
We get called Hispanic, white Latin, when we're brown and mixed with Indigenous blood, living here in the salad bowl/melting pot of The Angels (Los Angeles), where it gets confusing, growing up next to Kevin, throwing rocks at our neighbor Robbie Joiner. So this video of Spaniards in Spain out for their two favorite sports, classical music and running around with bulls.

This being the case, who would guess that one of the greatest Buddhist communities in the world is forming in Spain?

Indeed, the cave dwellers will come to know the power of samadhi and glory of insight in time. The foundation is being set and it is already being done. What a world, what a world, what a spin so long in samsara only to come around again. Be nice on the way up; you'll be seeing those beings again on the way down.

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