Saturday, December 14, 2024

Beyond the ice wall of Antarctica

WARNING: This video should be called "How to Hide While Pretending to Reveal the Truth About Antarctica." There really is an ice wall according to Buddhist, Hindu, Jain, and Theosophical cosmologies, and Admiral Richard Byrd really did work for the military, explore the poles, meet with the Agarthans (not "eggarthans") inside our Hollow Earth, Agartha. He has explored both poles, not at the same time as suggested or confused in this video that never mentions the SOUTH Pole and even spoken of lands beyond it. If the Earth were a ball, and the poles were poles on that ball, what "land" could there beyond it? There couldn't be any, just space. If it were flat and circular, on the other hand, concentric circles with ice rings, there sure could be. But this business about a giant hoax statue and strawberry jellyfish? What could it be inserted for other than to discredit everything else? This is one great problem with A.I. It's a terrible robot with no feelings or conscience, just an automatic machine for spreading whatever someone tells it to conjure up a script for.]
90-year-old footage from beyond the ice wall of Antarctica scares the entire world

(Matter) April 2, 2024: Antarctica is frequently regarded as one of the harshest and most isolated environments on Earth. Yet, for scientists conducting research on the supposed continent, it represents a realm of astonishing marvels and revelations. However, during a recent expedition, an unsettling discovery sent shivers down their spines. [Did it? We missed the elongated alien skulls discovery touted here, skulls which have been found in nearby South America and faraway Egypt.] The footage they captured has been described as absolutely "terrifying," challenging our understanding of the world. Could this be evidence of a long-standing legend?

Join us as we explore the chilling footage from Antarctica that has sent shockwaves across the globe. [There isn't, and it hasn't.] In Antarctica's vast and frozen expanse, an astonishing sight jolted the entire world and left people on the edge of their seats!

A colossal alien robot with its metallic frame gleaming under the polar sun emerged directly from the ice. [We missed this ridiculous story. If it happened, this is one way to get people to ignore it.] The entire universe held its breath. [Did it, did it really, Mr. A.I. Matter?] And theories of extraterrestrial life started flying here and there. [Here, there, but not everywhere, who writes these scripts?] Scientists marveled at the intricate craftsmanship, pondering its origins and purpose. However, as investigations deepened, cracks in the façade appeared shockingly. After a series of investigations, the giant, scary robot that terrified everyone was exposed as an elaborate hoax created by a group of eccentric artists. The whole world gasped in disbelief, yet the fascination remained. [Bogus claims do terrible damage.]

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