Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Sasquatch can be smarter than humans

But Buddhists can't believe in real monsters, can they? That's just a myth, like "Bigfoot."

What could an ogre ask the Buddha?
Readers will find this fanciful story easy to dismiss and completely discount because we have not heard of these superhuman capabilities in our culture. However, the Islamic world knows about a kind of "demon" or "ogre" (the genies as we label them from terrifying tales of djinn or jinn in countless stories from Muslim tradition). A genie does not grant wishes; it deceives and devours humans and other creatures. They live in wilderness areas and seize those who cross their territory, but as terrible as they are, they are far more clever, deceptive, and capable than we ever give them credit for being.

Demon "genies" or djinn in Islam
If a human escapes their clutches, it is either by divine intervention, wit, luck, or because these ghoulish ogres live by rules or some code of honor we as humans no longer seem to feel bound by. They may lie to trick us into their clutches, but that goes to show that they can think, plan, shapeshift, speak, mimic us (however imperfectly), speak in a human voice as well as having their own language and telepathic powers, and seemingly possess the power to switch dimensions. They are not strictly skin and bones. These features are comparable to Buddhist stories about them. The most famous story may be the Alavaka Sutta ("Discourse to the Bigfoot named Alavaka," Sn 1.10). But a more colorful one full of details runs like this:

The Bodhisatta (the "Being bent on enlightenment" or "Buddha-to-be") was reborn into a merchant family. He was going to travel through a great wilderness on business in the Apannaka Jataka, "Crossing the Wilderness" (Jat 1). Another merchant, the man who in a subsequent life would go on to become Devadatta (the worst monk in history, the Judas figure in Buddhism) was hasty and went first along with his caravan of men only to meet very clever ogres (Yakkhas, Jinn, Rakshasas, potentially ghoulish and vicious Bigfoot cryptids as described above). They destroy him. The Bodhisatta, being wiser and understanding what has happened and why, passes through the same wilderness but does not succumb to the monsters' deception and thereby passes safely.
  • The ogre (yakkha, nature protector, ghoul) haunting that wilderness had been watching. When the reached the middle, he used his superhuman powers to conjure up a carriage drawn by pure white young bulls. With a retinue of a dozen disguised ogres (yakkhas) carrying swords and shields, he rode along in his carriage like a mighty lord. His hair and clothes were wet...
This allegedly true story is not about the fake AI photos at Minute 0:04.
Those two gorilla suit pictures with watermarks have been debunked. 
It is about the much stranger selfie taken of a real Yakkha at work.
This video illustrates how smart Sasquatches are w/o shapeshifting.
Sasquatch and the logging industry | What are they hiding about Bigfoot?

(Smokey Sasquatch Stories & Survival) Premiered Dec. 8, 2024: In this Sasquatch/Bigfoot (Yakkha, Djinn, Genie, Rakshasa, Yeti) encounter, an American man recounts a mysterious occurrence in the wilderness of Washington State during an old-time logging expedition.

The largest lumberjack mysteriously went missing and later recounted his story of survival after being abducted by these very intelligent creatures, the giants of the forest and its protectors.

This is a historical Sasquatch encounter, having taken place in the late 1800s. And it is among the most interesting Bigfoot encounters one is likely to have heard. Why? It is not about juvenile in rut trying to kill a human, but rather about a group trying to stop the destruction of nature and doing so by using their powers for good or at least attempted good. They are not human, so they are not sensitive to our needs or very forgiving of our foibles.

Let Smokey Sasquatch Stories & Survival know if you would like your Bigfoot story or encounter shared.

NOTE: This audio-video content was created. It is altered or synthetic content. The story is reputedly 100% true, but the voice and drawings, the sound and visuals, were significantly edited or digitally generated. Learn more.

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