Sunday, December 29, 2024

Blogisattva Award finalist and winner

What are awards for?
We have a 20-year archive, from the time we were a print edition to expanding worldwide by going digital, Wisdom Quarterly: American Buddhist Journal has been at it to make the Dharma known in the West. The Blogisattva Awards ( were often the golden ring to strive for. Wow, what if we could wrangle one of them by talking about Dharma and rock and rap music, or sex and morality, or the most subtle philosophical concepts and a good workout for a fit body for a bodhisattva to endeavor? That'd be something.

(SmartHistory) Bodhisattva at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
Bodhisattvas ("persons bent on enlightenment") are by definition not enlightened.
The Buddha was the original Bodhisattva; it is how he referred to himself prior to it.

Nate at Precious Metal
If readers enjoy Buddhist blogs of any variety, there are two gentlemen who did a lot of work to bring this gift to the online Dharma community, Kyle of The Reformed Buddhist (X/@ReformedBuddha) and Nate Demontigny of Precious Metal (X/@PreciousMetal). Blogisattva Award winners, when they're announced, if they're announced, are announced in December. We'll keep our fingers crossed.

Kyle at The Reformed Buddhist
Wisdom Quarterly is the leading independent journal of Buddhism in the West, where it continues to be the most incisive and outrageous, possibly even the most widely read platform for the spreading of Buddhist points of view and liberal values. We cover all schools and sects, while trying to cleave to the original texts of the historical Buddha for final answers, yet recognizing that all teachers, traditions, and lineages must have something good or they would not persist.

There's a broader culture and a more Buddhistic point of view on how to face the challenges of the world with hope and the ambition of bringing compassion and enlightenment or at least rancor (fomenting controversy) and exploring the counterintuitive to get at Truth. If you don't like us, you might like these gentler outlets:

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