Tuesday, December 24, 2024

ET contacts, mates w/Indigenous tribe

The space alien who lived among humans in the Amazon jungle: Bep Karoroti

I didn't have sex with that woman
(THE AMAZING) AMAZON RIVER BASIN, Brazil - Dec. 5, 2024: Now and then online media report captivating stories about extraterrestrial beings (such as Venusian ET Valiant Thor). Assuming the truth behind the existence of such beings, one has to wonder, Where are they now?

Let's look into an account that has become a local legend concerning the Native American Kayapo people (Kaiapo, Caiapo) who live in the jungles of Brazil in South America.
Likeness of Bep Karoroti in armored spacesuit
Imagine a group of Indigenous people who live a serene life until suddenly, one night, a ghostly sound comes from the misty, snowclad Suruka Toti Mountains. It must have been scary, right? Little did they know that the serenity of their lives was about to be shattered by a space (or time) traveler not of this Earth. What the Kayapo encountered would forever blur the line between legend and reality, leaving questions that still haunt the tribe to this day.

(Musa Yalchin | Medium) This legend is often cited by ancient astronaut theorists who seek traces of modern technology in ancient times. Bep Kororoti’s attire, resembling a [metallic] space suit, and his advanced tools [including a devastating light weapon rod they called a "cob"] are considered intriguing evidence by these theorists.

However, scientists [desperate to preserve the Western narrative of separation, isolation, and uniqueness of humans who have no peers in all the universe, and certainly none who interact with us] generally approach such claims with [armchair] skepticism, suggesting these stories might be symbolic narratives. More
  • A.I. composed The Amazing, YouTube, 12/5/24; Eds., Wisdom Quarterly

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